Worst Video Games of All Time


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2009
There are hundreds of bad games in the world. Did you know that in 1983 video games nearly became extinct due to bad games. Atari had to bury bad games in the Nevada desert( I think,not sure which desert) Hundreds of bad video games still are on the market today. So what do you think is the worse?
It's a 3 way tie for me.

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Zelda CD-i is funny! :D

Superman 64 is a legend.

ANY virtual boy game? Don't you mean any virtual boy except Wario Land?
ET and super man 64
ehh horrible horrible games

They shoulda left ET the movie alone,and same with the superman show
Get your facts straight, you just chose the worst games that are overrated in being bad (they suck ass too though) But there's a whole bunch of *censored.2.0*ty games you forgot, although thanks for the other feature. That should work for now.