Wii Want It-> Volume 2


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2007
Welcome to Wii Want It! Every week, I'll review weekly Virtual Console releases. I'll give a short review of the game and then give it a rating. These ratings are:

1. Wii Want It!
2. Recommended
3. Skip
4. Caution!

The releases for October 22nd, 2007 are:

1. Lunar Pool
2. Ninja JaJaMaru-kun
3. Golden Axe III

Lunar Pool

System: NES
Original Release: October 1987
Developer: Compile
Number of Wii Points: 500 points
Virtual Console Release Date: October 22nd, 2007

Great news! We are currently experiencing one of the worst weeks on Virtual Console! We have recieved two NES games and a Genesis game. Lunar Pool and Golden Axe III totally ruined this week and gave it the title by many known as "The Worst Week Ever!" For me, it's almost true but recieving a Japenese import this week makes me a little happy but it's not far from my worst week ever.

Lunar Pool is a really bad NES game. It has really bad graphics and really bad music. The graphics look dated and the music is nothing you'd expect. A few interesting notes are played and then it gets boring. There isn't really anything special about Lunar Pool only the fact that it's pool played on the moon which is where the Lunar part of the title came from.

Lunar Pool is a very simplistic billiards game. Your goal is to simply try to get the balls into the holes. It really can't get simplier than this. Then, to make the game even worse, the game has really bad gameplay. Now, the game lacks in every category I evaluate a game in so by now you must know that this game is definitely not getting a high rating from me.


Now, if there was a rating below Caution, Lunar Pool would probably get it for various reasons that I've explained. So since Caution is the lowest rating I evaluate a game in, you must know that this game definitely deserves a Caution rating! My closing comment on Lunar Pool is to avoid it at all costs.

Final Score: Caution!!

Ninja Jajamaru-Kun

System: NES
Original Release: October 2007(North America)
Developer: Jaleco
Number of Wii Points: 600 points
Virtual Console Release Date: October 22nd, 2007

Ninja Jajamaru-Kun is obviously the biggest highlight of the week for me for vaious reasons. The first reason being that it's a Japenese import! Everyone knows by know that I love imports! The second reason is that it's one of those few NES games that I find very addicting and that I can play over and over again without getting bored of it. Other reasons are that it has some decent music, decent graphics, and it has some decent gameplay.

Now, if you've read most other reviewers comments on Ninja Jajamaru-Kun, you may have noticed that they all hate it. Everyone doesn't recommend it but I do! I'm not going to be bias because it's an import but I'm giving it such a high rating because I love it. Most of the categories I evaluated the game in are at par but I just loved the way thw game plays and how addictive it is for a NES game.

Overall, Ninja Jajamaru-Kun is a game that deserves attention! Yeah, it's also an import but put that aside. It's very addictive and doesn't lack in either category that I evaluated it in. I beg of you all to download Ninja Jajamaru-Kun. Hopefully, if we have enough downloads, Nintendo of America will release imports here in America more often.


I basically have explained Ninja Jajamaru-Kun and I hope you understand that I love this game. I said I wasn't going to be bias because it was an import rather I would be evaluating it on the categories I evaluate every other NES game in. Please download this game. I promise you it won't be a mistake!

Final Score: Wii Want It!(or at least "I Want It"!)

Golden Axe III

System: Genesis
Original Release: 1993
Developer: Sega
Number of Wii Points: 800 points
Virtual Console Release Date: October 22nd, 2007

It's been a long time since we recieved a Genesis game and when they finally decide to release one, they decide to release one of the worse ones? Are they trying to make us download a terrible games now and give us the good ones when our points are gone? Well, right now, it apparently seems that way.

Golden Axe III lacks in every category I evaluate the game in. The graphics aren't anything mind blowing and the music is enough to make anyone vomit. The controls also aren't that good. Golden Axe III is obviosuly the worse out of the three on Virtual Console at the moment and probably the worse in the entire series.

Now, some people I know are going to go and download this. Please don't. It's not worth the points nor is it even worth the time to even think about downloading. Your actually better off downloading Donkey Kong Jr. Math than downloading this game. Now, that statement says a lot about the game.


Golden Axe III is definitely not worth the money. Avoid it at all costs. If you have an extra 800 points and don't know how to spend them, get Actraiser. If you have 1200, get Sin and Punishment. These two games are way better than this game.

Final Score: Caution!
Also, I'm desperately looking for somewhere to post my reviews! I'd worship you if you could help! Also, I need somewhere to store my archived issues.