What's Your Favorite Flavor of Gum?

Best Gum Flavor?

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I love mint gum just because I feel like it can really come in handy, i guess. I do like fruity gum, but mint is definintly a favorite for me!
I only ever really have/get given minty gum when I need some gum, but I went through a time in college where I constantly purchased strawberry gum. So i'd say if I had the choice, it'd definitely be fruity gum. Strawberry to be precise. Although it's sweet and declicious, I don't think it freshens up your breath too much as much as mint does though. Still tasty.
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Fruity or bubble gum flavoured. I generally don't like mint flavoured things, since it just reminds me of toothpaste too much. I like cola flavoured gum too.
My favorite is mint gum! I really like spearmint because it's also sweet instead of just minty, but I don't mind peppermint. I hate any type of fruity gum, especially watermelon or mango. Strawberry or cherry, I could eat. I also had a really bad obsession with cinnamon gum when I was older, my mom would buy me one pack that had like 20 pieces, and by the end of the day, I had like 5 left. I would keep putting new pieces in my mouth once the other ones lost flavor, but I'm glad I stopped lmao

but there's also this thing called gourmet gum, and they had this Unicorn flavor that was a combination of like apple, pineapple, lemon, and it was sour. That was some good gum lol
Fruity gum is the best gum.

I didn't even know cinnamon gum existed.
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Fruity for sure, specifically strawberry. I can't stand the taste of mint.
I've had peach and mango flavored gum. Artificial flavouring or not, anything that tastes like peaches or mangos are the best.