What's one thing you always do, in every game?


🔮 Pokémon Master 🔮
Dec 13, 2014
Yellow Balloon
Pink Balloon
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Crystal Tree
For those of us who have played multiple Animal Crossing games throughout the years, I am sure we have all acquired habits while playing! It can be a range of things, from putting your house in a certain spot, or having the same villagers in every town.

For me, with each and every town I create, I HAVE to have at least one witch character in my town. Whether it's the mayor, the island rep, or secondary characters, I always NEED a witch to live in my town, no matter what haha!

Do you have any things that you do in each and every AC game you play?
The number one habit I absolutely have in any town I create, is that I always have to have rabbits and cows and bulls living there, especially the cows and bulls, they're my most favorite villager species of all. ❤

And another habit is that all of my towns have to have at least one or more type of furniture or clothing featured in crossover amiibo, especially ones from the Sanrio crossover, everything is just too cute!
Get too attached to villagers to the point I will never get my dreamies because I'm not willing to let anyone go. Yep, happens every time. Well, I didn't finish my 3rd New Leaf town, but it definitely happened in the others and New Horizons.
I always acquire dog villagers and decorate my house in a very specific way. I like how freely you can express yourself in this game.
Well, a few things:
  1. Arrange my house a certain way. Main room is living room/whatever matches, East room is the bathroom, West is the kitchen, North is bonus space, 2nd floor is bedroom, and basement is my “man cave” game space. In the games where there’s fewer rooms, the bathroom and bonus space are usually eliminated completely, and the kitchen is merged with the living room.
  2. Obtain Mallary. She is a must in every game, no matter the circumstance of getting her. Though not my most favorite villager, I made a promise to have her in every game as she was the first ever villager I remember having. In some games, this can take a very long time.
  3. Add bridges that are evenly spaced across the town. I can sort of ignore this rule in New Horizons due to terraforming.
  4. If a villager starts copying catchphrases, I always complain to whoever can fix it (Pelly/Phyllis or Isabelle). The one I set for a villager is exclusive to said villager.
    1. Poncho was an exception in New Horizons - I had originally changed Bob’s phrase to “banana”, and Poncho copied it. I thought Poncho saying “banana” was hilarious, so I decided to keep it for him and change Bob’s to something else. I’ll even change Poncho’s phrase back to “banana” if I reverted it and he wants it changed again.
  5. Town must be spotless of weeds at all times. If I see a clump, it’s getting ripped right as I see it.
  6. If the game allows, make roads/sidewalks.
  7. If a villager offers to play a game, I’ll usually accept and play it unless I’m in the middle of something important or pressed for time.
I thought this over and was thinking that I don't really do one same thing every time I play a new Animal Crossing game, I don't have the same villagers or the same clothes or the same decorations or anything. But then I realized...

I always--always--collect every food item in every Animal Crossing game, and I usually work them into my house decoration. I love video game food, and Animal Crossing always has a bunch, and it's always so cute or even yummy-looking.

When they added cooking to New Horizons, I made it my number one priority to cook every single recipe. It was delightful.
This is kinda specific, but in every game I like to put flowers near the villagers’ houses and the town hall/shops. I just like making my town pretty and organized, and I always start with the flowers. Then I’ll add paths if I can.
Witches? Is this some superstitious thing or is just for fun? 🤔 I for one always change the flag, if applicable. Whether it's the country I'm living in or the flag of a country I find interest in, I like to change the flag to show some patriotism. I do this in real life too with the flag I have situated outside my home. 🎌🏠
compose my town tune as a theme from the legend of zelda series. right now, mine is the lost woods tune from ocarina of time. ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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I thought this over and was thinking that I don't really do one same thing every time I play a new Animal Crossing game, I don't have the same villagers or the same clothes or the same decorations or anything. But then I realized...

I always--always--collect every food item in every Animal Crossing game, and I usually work them into my house decoration. I love video game food, and Animal Crossing always has a bunch, and it's always so cute or even yummy-looking.

When they added cooking to New Horizons, I made it my number one priority to cook every single recipe. It was delightful.
bahaha you've just reminded me that i do the same thing! video game food does look so good.. i'm still trying to catch the fish i need to complete all the seafood recipes :,)
Witches? Is this some superstitious thing or is just for fun? 🤔 I for one always change the flag, if applicable. Whether it's the country I'm living in or the flag of a country I find interest in, I like to change the flag to show some patriotism. I do this in real life too with the flag I have situated outside my home. 🎌🏠
I am a witch myself so I like to incorporate it into a lot of games I play lol!
I always make an effort to get a wolf villager. This time I got lucky and Audie was the first one to move in after the initial two.
* I try to have at least one of my favorite villagers in any of the games that I play. Since I can’t have Rooney in PG/GC, WW, and CF, Apollo is my main dreamie for those three games <3333

Astrid is another favorite villager of mine (she’s #3 on my list), but I prefer Apollo nowadays (he’s my #2), and Astrid is absent in Wild World.

I got Apollo out of pure-ass luck when I reset new leaf earlier this month (no rerolls or anything). I wasn’t even trying to reset for Apollo… or even Rooney for that matter, as I wanted to obtain him (Rooney) via Amiibo (which I did). Hell, I’ve had Apollo’s card since 2016. ^^

I’m getting quite attached to Apollo again, so I’m also in the process of Amiiboing him onto my New Horizons island. I was planning to only have Rooney (and other just regular villagers), but one thing led to another. <3333

* I also want to try to donate as much as I can to the museums. ^.^

I’m a habitual resetter, so the second one is hard to achieve, but I’m trying to lay off for a while.

I am in ‘resetting hell’ for the GameCube and Wild World games right now. 😭😂 Once I find the right GameCube and Wild World towns, I intend to keep them for a while, as long as no disasters happen. ^^
1. One room of my house always has villager pics on the walls.
2. There is always a fruit orchard in one area of the map.
3. Drago is one of the villagers.
forgot to mention, but I also try to fill my main room with lovely furniture. The only exception is new horizons because it doesn’t have it however, I fill it with the similar cute furniture.
I am in ‘resetting hell’ for the GameCube and Wild World games right now. 😭😂
Oh man, doesn't Mr. Resetti make you type out an apology in Wild World? 😱 I remember as a child, not yet being grammatically wise, I wouldn't type it out exactly as he said it (or was it that I included punctuation when you shouldn't have??) and he would say that I typed it in wrong. I'd get so annoyed that I would reset until he gave me a different lecture. 🤯🤬 They certainly ramped up his temper in WW. 🙄
Oh man, doesn't Mr. Resetti make you type out an apology in Wild World? 😱 I remember as a child, not yet being grammatically wise, I wouldn't type it out exactly as he said it (or was it that I included punctuation when you shouldn't have??) and he would say that I typed it in wrong. I'd get so annoyed that I would reset until he gave me a different lecture. 🤯🤬 They certainly ramped up his temper in WW. 🙄
yeah, Mr. Ressetti is a nightmare, although I’m resetting for a new town, so luckily, I don’t have to deal with him ^^