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What top games in your lifetime have you got addicted to?

Dogz 2 and Catz- GBA
The gameboy advance was my first console, and when I was younger the games I got addicted to were these 2. Although it's not something I would play now (other than for nostalgia), when I was 5/6, these games were something I could spend hours on.

Animal Crossing: Wild World
This was something I got into when I was around 7 or 8 I believe. I was given it as a gift, and couldn't put it down. It was my first Animal Crossing game, and got me hooked on to the series. I loved the events it had, and all the animals.

Assassin's Creed 2:
I really love the storyline of the second assassin's creed game, and it's definitely one of my favorites. I cant stop playing and replaying it. I hope that one day a remake will be made that has better graphics and such (so long as they don't just rip everyone off)
Grew up with Gen 3 and I've been in and out with the game series. I loved the feeling every time I play a new generation for the first time (especially Pokemon Diamond). Right now I'm not playing any games, but i'll definitely be interested in a new generation a few years from now.

Counter Strike.
I'm a filthy casual only clocking in 800 hours in the game. No plans on stopping anytime soon though <3

Animal Crossing.
I played Wild World and wow it's great. One of the reasons i bought a 3DS was for ACNL and Pokemon, so yeah.
Animal Crossing City Folk and New Leaf.
Pok?mon HeartGold and Black version.
MySims, on the Wii, it was the silliest thing.
The Sims 3 on the Xbox 360, I wasn't really into PC Gaming yet.
Soul Calibur 3 or 4 (I forget, I haven't played it in a year or so) on the PS3.
Minecraft. I was an late MC gamer and I made an account right before 1.8, so I spend some time on that.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Never played an RPG other than Pok?mon and I'm not terrible! It's really fun and I enjoy the simple character customization and Palicoes. I got the game to cope with some stuff and it really sucks you in...Just unlocked expeditions. I'm a slow gamer xD
I went through intense game obsessions growing up. Like straight up addicted to:

- The Sims (original game with expansion packs)
- Pokemon Blue + Gold
- Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town + Animal Parade
- All Animal Crossing games
First and foremost, Pok?mon, I'm just never tired of it. The games where I clocked the most hours were 3rd gen (R/S/E and FR/LG).

I've also had a pretty strong lifelong obsession with Rayman. Started with the GBA titles, continued with Rayman M and peaked with Rayman 3... I replayed that game so many times. Got max score in all the worlds. Around 4 times over. Yeah. That's how much I like it.
I also played Origins and Legends is on my "games2play" list, but nothing beats the 3d titles imo.

Then a few years back came Spore for the pc...... oh dear. That game was my LIFE. I loved it so so so much. Creating your own race of alien creatures is something I've never dreamt of doing before but then couldn't live without since... to this day I sometimes get a new idea for a monster and I don't consider that itch scratched till I boot up my game and jot it down in the creator. That thing isn't a game for me, it's a 3d sketchbook.
Maplestory, skyrim, and animal crossing are definitely my top three. I remember playing maplestory from 6-6. My life has been centered around video games for forever lol
Okay so animal crossing obviously, not just new leaf but wild world and the original GameCube one too. I've spent collectively like 2000 hours easily on all those games (granted it's been over the course of like almost 15 years)

Umm elder scrolls IV: oblivion is another one, I don't even know how many hours I've racked up on that game and tbh I'm not sure I want to know........

And elder scrolls V: skyrim, probably not as many hours as oblivion but definitely still up there in like the 400-500 hour range

Mass effect 1, 2, and 3... Moreso 2 and 3, I've beat them both on every difficulty level... Multiple times............

Other than that I can't really think of any other games I've been ADDICTED to, like to the point that I can't stop playing, but there are others I've put a lot of time into
Persona 4 Golden - It was so amazing and it took me months to finish. I'm addicted to all its spin offs and it's got me into P3P too!

The Sims 2/3 - The day I realised that I could make my sims universe one of pain and suffering caused me to play it a lot more. Even now I have a town where there is one woman who has the task of having 100 babies with all the men in the town! My town is now subsequently inhabited by these spawns of satan who terrorise and woohoo everything... Oh how I love the Sims...

Danganronpa 2 - I couldn't put it down, the concept was so cool, funky and groesome. I love it. Better than the first in my opinion.

Mass Efeect 2 - One of my favourite games of all time, I loved flying around the Galaxy with my alien squad and saving the universe. I played it through from 1 - 3 about five times and I love it. (But that ending... Ugh)

Skyrim - Dragons rule! I've spent probably 100+ hours on that game.

Portal 2 - It was so puzzling, but fun and quirky. I loved GLaDOS she made the entire game for me.
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Persona 4 Golden - It was so amazing and it took me months to finish. I'm addicted to all its spin offs and it's got me into P3P too!

The Sims 2/3 - The day I realised that I could make my sims universe one of pain and suffering caused me to play it a lot more. Even now I have a town where there is one woman who has the task of having 100 babies with all the men in the town! My town is now subsequently inhabited by these spawns of satan who terrorise and woohoo everything... Oh how I love the Sims...

Danganronpa 2 - I couldn't put it down, the concept was so cool, funky and groesome. I love it. Better than the first in my opinion.

Mass Efeect 2 - One of my favourite games of all time, I loved flying around the Galaxy with my alien squad and saving the universe. I played it through from 1 - 3 about five times and I love it. (But that ending... Ugh)

Skyrim - Dragons rule! I've spent probably 100+ hours on that game.

Portal 2 - It was so puzzling, but fun and quirky. I loved GLaDOS she made the entire game for me.

that sims story lmaoo
Pokemon, and animal crossing xD both are my absolute favorite, but any silent Hill or Danganronpa game is a close second :3
Mine come and go but...

Fire Emblem Awakening is definitely the main one.

Animal Crossing New Leaf hits me in bursts, but very powerful ones.

Splatoon is definitely way up there though I've not been playing lately because I've been spending too much time on...

Xenoblade Chronicles X


Fantasy Life.

I also used to play this MMO called Mabinogi for way too much but I haven't touched it in quite some time because it can be very tedious to try and get anywhere.
......that's it?

Probably more than 100+ hours to be honest, it's just an estimate.

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that sims story lmaoo

My sims world is mad. Once I had a save file where I put all the Disney princess in a house and put free will on very high so I could create a hunger games massacre. I had them all have an ordinary life during the day, but at night I put them through horrific trials such as locking them in rooms on fire, not letting them leave until one would die, I had pools with walls around them boxing them in until a princess drowned. I also had them constantly eat magic jelly beans until a few died. Once I had my final two I locked them in a room until one starved to death. Belle from Beauty and the Beast won! (She also seemed to be getting romantic with Jasmin until she died horribly...)
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