What is something you don't own that many people have?

-Iphone (seriously they're the worst)
- Foxtel (Australian cable. It would be great to have this)
- Driving license (I keep failing the test by one point -.-")
A cat. My sister has three cats and a dog, my mom had two dogs. I have a snake, but apparently I'm not allowed to have a cat. Gunna try to convince my mom, and if she decides to still be a huge b-word about it I'll probably get one to spite her.
Uh, "all of the above" basically.

tho I do have access to DirecTV and Netflix, but I don't pay for either. And I totally have a cat, his name is Dustmop, like me! flexes. lol

I don't have my own place/a job/a car/a cell phone, or a phone of any kind/any new consoles outside of a super sale Xbone that's basically a Netflix machine.
I don't have any personal social media, either. I have a bookface, but it's just to have access to my blog's page. which was a failed attempt at doing something constructive with my life from home.
okay that was a lil negative, it's only mostly failed so far.

Ah, most of that stems from PTSD. I can't work or drive. ?\_(ツ)_/?


And I feel for the poster with no hot water, I am so sorry for your situation, whatever it is =/ where my bathroom is, compared to the hot water tank, and the smaller size of the new tank, throw in some backwards plumbing... I get a taunting 5 minutes of hot and then instantly coldcoldcoldcold.
Lmao, these damn shoes
Screen Shot 2017-04-15 at 21.44.20.jpg

I kinda like the light pink ones, though.
I don't have a car because they are waaaaay too out of my price range atm. I'd love one though cause they are super handy!
iPhone! Whenever I asked for a phone charger (as I'm an android-user), people always give me the charger for iPhone. ; -;
I don't have a smartphone. Honestly, it gets embarrassing to feel like I'm the only person around that doesn't have one, but I can't afford the bills. I work part time, pay car insurance, credit cards, and out of pocket for college. I have nothing to spare for a phone. I feel ashamed of it often but there is nothing I can do...
I don't have cable/satelite TV, WiFi, a computer, a new game system, a home. I don't have freaking anything, honestly.