What am I doing wrong?!


erik is air, erik is life
Sep 22, 2013
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
I don't get it. It's getting to the point where I think something is wrong.

I got my game on August 4th. Tomorrow, the Emporium opens up. My house is a zen castle and all the rooms except the basement are nearly fully renovated. I have 10 villagers and 11 PwPs. There are flowers all over the town and I'm running out of space for trees. I've set up paths.

So why do I not have a perfect town?!

Seriously, most people get it before they hit a month. Chuggaconroy had it on his 20th day. Come on.

It's been over FIVE months. Every time I ask Isabelle, she says either there's not enough greenery (There's flowers EVERYWHERE you go, there's trees all over the place) or the town isn't developed enough (11 PwPs, and no, I don't have the oil rig or garbage can). I don't get what I'm doing wrong. You can check out my dream town and see whats up, but I simply don't get why on earth I don't have perfect town!
do you regurlarly pull up weeds and pick up bags/mittens/pouches? also you need specific amount of trees per acre i think. idk, add more pwps? xD and enact beautiful town if u dont have it
Nothing on the ground, acres aren't in this game i think, and I have beautiful town already :c
I'll take a look at your dream address later if you like but from what you've said it seems like you're doing everything right :confused:.

Could you possibly have too many trees? I know that sometimes causes issues.
I considered that, but Isabelle keeps saying there isn't enough greenery, so I guess that's not the problem :(

Dream address will be updated tomorrow, but I do have 11 PwPs and tons of flowers. Right now it might not look like that, but I got two boxfuls of flowers from the island today and apparently that's not good enough for Isabelle.
I'm about to check out your dream address so I'll post back after :).
hmm weird. idk how many pwps there is in my town but i'd guess around your amount :s well if it is greenery, get more :3
Here's a quick list things you need to have to get a perfect town:

Less than 10 weeds

Less than 10 items on the ground (not counting sea shells, fruit, mushrooms, flowers, buried fossils, buried gyroids, buried Pitfall Seeds)

No garbage (Empty Can, Boot, Old Tire, Spoiled Turnips)

Trees between 110 and 200 (They can be placed anywhere, you don't have to put xx trees per acre)

Flowers over 50

Over 10 PWPs, EXCLUDING: Garbage Can, Jumbo Monitor, Oil Excavator, Tire Play Equipment, Picnic Sheet, Traffic Light, illumination items, Tower

Hope this helps :)
Well, things are split into 3 categories: Cleanliness (doubt this is the cause of problem), Nature, and living.

The PWP may require 10, but there are also some PWPs out there that counts toward Nature (solar panels, windmill, flower-themed pwps). Maybe that's what preventing you from getting a perfect? Max 200 trees might be another thing.
My first reaction is that you don't have enough trees. You say you're running out of space for trees, but it looks like there are wide swaths without them to me, unless you haven't updated. It may be that you don't like them in the areas without them, but I'm guessing that has to do with it. I've got trees all over the place.

If you do happen to look at my dreams for comparison's sake, please look at Mirage. The dream Pangola is old and from a time that I am now embarrassed by. I'm trying to rework it.
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I'm in your dream town, really nice paths and town layout :). I think you might need a few more trees and maybe a few more flowers (although I know you said you've got that covered now :)), maybe more bushes.
I'll try to get more saplings quick but T.I.Y is closed for renovations today and I can only get one per day :(

I'll take your advice though! Thank you guys so much. Maybe I can finally get a perfect town.
Hi! I'm in your dream town now - I know it's not updated, but just thought I'd take a look anyway. :)

I'll take your word for it on the trees and flowers, definitely looks like there's enough there. I think the issue might be with PWPs. Bushes shouldn't be a factor in the Perfect Town rating; at least, that's what I was told. Bushes and bamboos don't count towards greenery.

So I took a look around and these are the PWPs I found:

Water Well
Face Cutout Board
Police Station
Yellow Bench
Fire Hydrant
Bridge x2

Because the rating depends on a good balance between "abundant living" and "abundant nature", certain PWPs hinder the process, and you may need to add some more PWPs to balance it out. To me (and as Yen Quest pointed out), it looks like you have a lot more "abundant living" PWPs than "nature" ones. The only nature PWP you have is the Windmill, so you may want to add more things like a Wisteria Trellis, Flower Arch, etc. More are listed here: http://ca.ign.com/wikis/animal-crossing-new-leaf/How_to_Get_a_Perfect_Town_Rating

Almost all your other PWPs are listed as abundant living ones, so it's heavily imbalanced right now - that might be what Isabelle was talking about. That's my best guess anyway, hope that helped!

edit: whoops - that's not a windmill, it's a wind turbine. I'm not exactly sure what that's considered, but either way, you still need more "nature" PWPs.
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oh dear, does that mean I've royally screwed? :/

I just installed the hot spring. That counts as nature, right?
Hot spring falls under abundant living.

The wind turbine has one point in each of abundant living and abundant nature (according to my Japanese guide book).
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hmm, Isabelle says I have a good balance between natural and developed areas. idk if that means anything though.

Welp I guess I AM royally screwed. And I thought I was close to having a perfect town >_> Time to go build ten more PwPs...
Do you have lots and lots of palm trees? It's convenient space-the beach- if you don't like having too many trees in the town. :)
I barely have any in Mirage and I've been perfect a while. From memory:

Reset Center
Illuminated Heart
Bench x 2
Drinking fountain
Streetlights x 3
Park clock
Police station
The Roost
Flower clock
Water well

I don't know the answer, but 10 more PWPs probably isn't it (though you may have been being hyperbolic there).

I assume your trees count towards your perfect rating the day after they are planted. You could gather a bunch of fruit, plant them all over your town, and then check with Isabelle the next day. If it hasn't changed anything, just cut them down and you're back to where you want to be. If it has changed the rating, then either keep the new trees or find a place to put that many trees. Just an idea.
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