Selling Visits to Reeces RV! 5 TBT ★★★★★

Hello there! I don't have enough Meow Coupons, but I can pay you IGB for you to buy me these things!

Antique shelf
Hearty breakfast
Natural bench
Natural low table
New Nintendo 3DS
Pink wood floor
Re-tail clock
Re-tail mat

How about 500,000 IGB? Is that alright? Or is that too cheap?
500,000 IGB is completely fine! :), I may take a little while to collect the MEOW coupons, but I'll reply on this thread as soon as I'm done :3
Hi! Can I please visit twice? I'd like to visit with two different characters so I don't have to TT.
Bump~ starting this up again :3

Hey, I'd like to pay to have a visit sometime! It seems that we are in very different timezones, but I could drop off your giveaway order while I'm over. Won't be available until after 3PM U.S. central time, tho.
okay!, (3pm CST=11am AEST) I will probably be out around that time :// but i'll send you a vm and we can sort it out from there when you're online at the same time as me :3? Also! don't worry about the TBT when visiting, you're already giving me free items through the giveaway :) ‹33
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