untitled introduction


Nov 25, 2021
Nice to meet you all, ive been a lurker here for quite some time but i decided to post despite being nervous. i like forums.

Ive been an animal crossing fan as long as i can remember, my first ever video game being ACWW. ive played every animal crossing installment except the original one and the amiibo festival game.
My favorite villagers are ruby, lucky, and katt. don't remember when i started WW, but i first started my NL town in june of 2013 but that town has long since been deleted. i don't have my WW copy anymore, either.

Lately, ive been playing mostly NL and some NH. already finished my NH island, which is my only (and forever) island. i hope i can get acquainted with the people on here... i dont have any friends who play AC currently so id like to find people to enjoy the games with even if not through online play

Thanks for reading
Welcome to the forums! I'm glad you decided to post! 😊✨

I love your favourite villagers! Have your favourite villagers changed at all over time with different games? 😊

Hope you enjoy it here!
hello! it’s nice to meet you! feeling nervous about posting for the first time is totally valid, but i’m happy you decided to do so anyways! i hope you have much more fun as a poster than a lurker ☺️

wild world was one of my first video games as well, and my first ac game in general! ruby, lucky, and katt are a few of my favourite villagers, too; they’re so cute!

does your island have any particular theme(s), or did you just decorate it however you saw fit? 💜
Welcome to the forums! There's currently an event going on if you're interested. But you probably knew about that already.
Welcome! Which do you prefer more out of NL and NH?
Thank you for the welcome. in terms of what truly feels more like "animal crossing" to me and the amount of furniture/features in the game, i would pick NL to be the game i prefer more. i believe NL deserved criticism for the lack of proper customization that alienated people, though (such as the most glaring issue of not even being able to pick a permanent skin tone...)

Welcome to the forums! I'm glad you decided to post! 😊✨

I love your favourite villagers! Have your favourite villagers changed at all over time with different games? 😊

Hope you enjoy it here!
Actually, they have changed around a bit. i didn't used to think about katt very much at all before she was my first sisterly in NH. i don't remember who my favorites in WW and CF were. rasher was one of my ultimate favorites in NL because he was my best friend in that game. rasher is one of my favorites still but he's just not in the top 3 anymore. i think ive liked ruby since WW...? i remember seeing her in my older brother's town when i visited

hello! it’s nice to meet you! feeling nervous about posting for the first time is totally valid, but i’m happy you decided to do so anyways! i hope you have much more fun as a poster than a lurker ☺️

wild world was one of my first video games as well, and my first ac game in general! ruby, lucky, and katt are a few of my favourite villagers, too; they’re so cute!

does your island have any particular theme(s), or did you just decorate it however you saw fit? 💜
Its nice to meet you too. my island doesn't have any particular theme, i just decorated it to feel like "home" to me. i also change it around every so often (whether that means terraforming, redecorating areas, etc.) i guess if i had to pick a theme it would be somewhat countryside-like...? i made a lot of overgrown dirt paths

Hi there! Welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Thank you, i appreciate the warm welcome.

Welcome to the forums! There's currently an event going on if you're interested. But you probably knew about that already.
I actually did know there's an event going on, but honestly im not very good with using this site and can't really figure out how anything works even after reading the pages containing the event details haha
Good morning and welcome! What other Nintendo games do you enjoy?
Thats a good question. i really really really like splatoon, i like kirby, don't know if it counts since its made by game freak and just published by nintendo but i also really like pokemon. though, im much more of a fan of the stories/characters than the gameplay. my avatar on here is actually allister from sword and shield. other than those im not really invested in any other games developed by or exclusively published by nintendo even though i do play some of them