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Jun 4, 2014
Yellow Crescent Moon
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Blue Candy
100% (25) +
Hey all! I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to put together a Turnip trading group? I realized that I actually have 0 badges for turnips in NL since I got all my bells from art commissions. I'm scrambling to get all the online medals and while I theoretically could do it on my own, it would go a lot faster with people helping out.

I was just looking for a thread for this too 🤔 I have a selling price of 127 today, I just recently restarted acnl so I don't remember what's a good price or not 😂
I would like to join your Turnip group - I only just learned it had a crazy badge requirement. How can I help? I can't offer much atm - retail is buying for a lousy 71 bells. One time it was over 300! Will keep checking.
I'll join the group! I always forget about the turnips tbh.. better change that now!

Currently: Turnips in my town are buying for 160 bells!
Oh, wow, I wasn't expecting to get a whole bunch of replies at once! Very cool other people are still interested!

Best way I think would be to post when you have a good price? Mine are not super great atm either (60, blah), but I figure with more people checking theirs, we could get something going! And I know meeting up because of time zones and work/school is always annoying, so I'd probably recommend turning on email notifications for updates if you feel inclined! My time zone is PST :)

I also wanna mention that I have a second cart, so I can try to TT forward to get a good price once I buy turnips on my main file this Sunday. So, definitely stick around the thread for that!
I'll be buying turnips this Sunday as well and checking regularly for good prices to share! I feel like I have awful luck though 😂 I'm on central time and will most often be playing in the morning/noon area - here's my friend code: 4356-1139-7702.
Hey all! I've added the friends code of everyone here. I realized I never put mine so here it is! If you accessed it by clicking my profile that is sadly the wrong system and I won't be able to accept that request. It died during a repair and I wasn't able to transfer the info off of it. This is the correct one!

Hey guys, I currently have 187 selling price! And meteors in my town! If anyone would like to visit, I'll be opening soon - retail is only open for 1 more hour.
Yall, it happened. I got 634 on my cycle town. I'm using a different system so FC is 3111-1655-5726. The current time in my game is 9:38 AM. LMK if you wanna come and I'll come back and post when gates are open~

Yall, it happened. I got 634 on my cycle town. I'm using a different system so FC is 3111-1655-5726. The current time in my game is 9:38 AM. LMK if you wanna come and I'll come back and post when gates are open~

Oh man - I was late in buying turnips and didn't max out as I planned! But I still have some and would love to sell them if I can. Thank you!

My FC: 5086-3356-3507

EDIT: I can come now/ today if you are free.

SECOND EDIT: Katie is in my town. Want me to bring her?
Thank you! I'll stay on this thread in case I find luck like this again, except this time I won't forget and I'll buy loads more turnips lol.
Yall, it happened. I got 634 on my cycle town. I'm using a different system so FC is 3111-1655-5726. The current time in my game is 9:38 AM. LMK if you wanna come and I'll come back and post when gates are open~

I'm buying some turnips now, would it be OK to come over?
Yall, it happened. I got 634 on my cycle town. I'm using a different system so FC is 3111-1655-5726. The current time in my game is 9:38 AM. LMK if you wanna come and I'll come back and post when gates are open~

😱 Wow that is so lucky!! Do you know how long you may be on? I'd love to take this opportunity but I'm also trying to make dinner rn
It is 3111-1655-5726. It should work; both kiwikenobi and leafturnedover have used it just fine :)