Trump reverses Obama's guidance on bathrooms

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There are 6 biological karyotype sexes that do not result in fetal death. And then there's inter-sexed individuals. It's more complicated than people think. XY male and XX female may be the common majority, however, these are not the only two sexes possible.

I was actually about to add that there are 6 karyotype combinations on the 23rd chromosome pair. Usually, the ones with a Y-chromosome turn out to be a male as the ones without a Y-chromosome turn out to be a female. I know which ones they are, which are x, xx, xxx, xy, xxy, and xyy.
Whilst we can't force anyone to agree with someone else's opinion, can we at least try be respectful and mature and discuss the topic seriously, and refrain from making troll posts like "some ppl classify as mushroom 4 their gender"..

Well I didn't call them that, though. I was just poking fun at people. They can believe that there are than 2 genders if they want, but I think it's ridiculous, personally.
anyways i love being a mentally ill mushroom gender that wont get to use bathrooms if i ever go to the us Lolz. can anyone else relate?

also gender isnt the same as sex and while i gwt that u like The Chromosones it isnt rly??????? what this is about ??

also i have a question to you who dont feel lile this change is an issue: where do u want trans ppl to pee
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also i have a question to you who dont feel lile this change is an issue: where do u want trans ppl to pee

They'll never answer this just watch the mess til 1:40, and then a bit from 4:55 onwards

(or the whole video bc it's great and this guy gets annihilated)

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I actually opposed Obama's executive order on the bathroom issue because what he is failing to respect is states' rights....Texas is considering on passing a bill banning their cities from forcing schools and businesses to allow transgender people into bathrooms of their gender identity. I think this is a good idea because even city governments shouldn't have control of public bathrooms in all commercial services within the city bounds.

basic human rights are literally defined as universal human rights, and that's not up to the whims of states, or more accurately a few singular members of each state that may or may not represent the population of the state.

i am a long term resident and voting constituent of texas, and i just think you should know this bill literally terrifies me and makes me physically ill. i have not voted for it. i will continue to voice my legal, loud, and firm voice against it. the authors of this bill do not represent me or millions of the voting constituency of texas. it's not states rights if it's not supporting the people's of those state's rights.

also, just btw "A group of global investors with $11 trillion in managed assets told Texas on Tuesday not to enact legislation restricting access to bathrooms for transgender people, saying it is discriminatory and bad for business." just in case you were again worried about "the cost" of things.

...allow transgenders to use bathrooms...

several people on this thread have repeatedly explained how this terminology is hurtful and harmful. i'm not understanding why you're continuing to use it. it makes people feel very unsafe and does not show respect or that you are listening to other people on this thread.
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I'm not going to read all the pages that have happened since I last cared, but I wanted to say that, while I personally don't give a damn about where people do their bathroom business, I'm leaning more and more toward the separation by way of scientific/birthed sex view.

Bathrooms aren't only for peeing in. They're for people to escape the opposite sex if they're feeling threatened. Why should 50% of the population give up that means of escape so .3% can not get attacked, especially if the argument is they get attacked "everywhere" anyway?
I'm not going to read all the pages that have happened since I last cared, but I wanted to say that, while I personally don't give a damn about where people do their bathroom business, I'm leaning more and more toward the separation by way of scientific/birthed sex view.

Bathrooms aren't only for peeing in. They're for people to escape the opposite sex if they're feeling threatened. Why should 50% of the population give up that means of escape so .3% can not get attacked, especially if the argument is they get attacked "everywhere" anyway?

If you saw a trans woman (assuming it's even possible to tell a lot of the time. news flash, you've probably shared the washroom with several in your life) in the same washroom as you and went "Oh god, another man" then you are the problem. A trans woman is a woman. I don't care how she looks.

If you see someone like Laverne Cox or Carmen Carrera and think "They belong in the men's room" then, again, that's a problem with you.

Aside from that..... who the hell is gonna check what someone's got in their pants? If they've even got what you think they've got in their pants? Genital reconstructive surgery is a thing that many trans people have gone through. And say that homehow, everyone with penises agrees to go to the mens' room and everyone with a vagina uses the womens'. Some effeminate pre-op trans man who's been on hrt for 2 years is just going to be abiding by the law and yall are gonna chase him out because you think he's a trans woman trying to "invade your spaces" when really he's just matching his whatnots with the bathroom sign because your dumb oompa loompa of a president told him to.

There are so many loopholes in the "let's go by genitals" mindset. It's pointless.
I'm not going to read all the pages that have happened since I last cared, but I wanted to say that, while I personally don't give a damn about where people do their bathroom business, I'm leaning more and more toward the separation by way of scientific/birthed sex view.

Bathrooms aren't only for peeing in. They're for people to escape the opposite sex if they're feeling threatened. Why should 50% of the population give up that means of escape so .3% can not get attacked, especially if the argument is they get attacked "everywhere" anyway?

50% of the population is not giving up that "means of escape" by allowing people who are truly transgender to use their preferred bathroom, and bathrooms are not a mean of escape in the first place. About 99% of public restrooms I've seen are unlocked which means anyone of any sex can just walk right in and start harassing people if they want. Yeah people in there might scream, but that doesn't mean anyone is coming to their rescue. If you really want to escape someone harassing you, the best place to go is somewhere very public, not go into a private area where someone might be able to do whatever they want to you and no one else can see. Until there is some kind of force-field technology around restroom doors to stop the opposite sex from getting in, the idea of a restroom being an escape plan is totally absurd.
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I'm not going to read all the pages that have happened since I last cared, but I wanted to say that, while I personally don't give a damn about where people do their bathroom business, I'm leaning more and more toward the separation by way of scientific/birthed sex view.

Bathrooms aren't only for peeing in. They're for people to escape the opposite sex if they're feeling threatened. Why should 50% of the population give up that means of escape so .3% can not get attacked, especially if the argument is they get attacked "everywhere" anyway?

So not only are you blatantly disregarding what other people have to say before inserting your own opinion, but you assume that so little of the population is trans AND that people can't escape unless all their naughty bits match? Seems a bit unfair to the counter-viewpoint...
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Something I forgot to add @ Soda Fox: If you want people to go to the washroom that matches what they were announced as at birth, that means you would want Chaz Bono, Buck Angel, Aydian Dowling, and Ian Harvie in the women's washroom. However, you go there as a "means to escape the opposite sex" or whatever the hell. Would you feel comfortable with these big, grown, adult men in the same washroom as you?
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50% of the population is not giving up that "means of escape" by allowing people who are truly transgender to use their preferred bathroom, and bathrooms are not a mean of escape in the first place. About 99% of public restrooms I've seen are unlocked which means anyone of any sex can just walk right in and start harassing people if they want. Yeah people in there might scream, but that doesn't mean anyone is coming to their rescue. If you really want to escape someone harassing you, the best place to go is somewhere very public, not go into a private area where someone might be able to do whatever they want to you and no one else can see. Until there is some kind of force-field technology around restroom doors to stop the opposite sex from getting in, the idea of a restroom being an escape plan is totally absurd.

Right? Unless we make it so an obvious girl/guy can go into the opposite gendered bathroom because "they're obviously not cis omg stop oppressing me" to chase after whoever their target is for the night. When it's left up to feelings, who is to say what is right? At least leaving it to biology gives a clear cut answer to the question. And yeah, obviously I don't look at people's junk in the bathroom, but if the courts ever get involved in some case, I'd rather rule in favor of with "who logically/scientifically belonged there" vs "who felt like they wanted to go there that day". Sorry not sorry.
"who logically/scientifically belonged there" vs "who felt like they wanted to go there that day". Sorry not sorry.

Hey also sorry for asking so many questions but: What about the (cis) male rapists who prey on boys/men and the (cis) female rapists who prey on women/girls?
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Right? Unless we make it so an obvious girl/guy can go into the opposite gendered bathroom because "they're obviously not cis omg stop oppressing me" to chase after whoever their target is for the night. When it's left up to feelings, who is to say what is right? At least leaving it to biology gives a clear cut answer to the question. And yeah, obviously I don't look at people's junk in the bathroom, but if the courts ever get involved in some case, I'd rather rule in favor of with "who logically/scientifically belonged there" vs "who felt like they wanted to go there that day". Sorry not sorry.

You still haven't answered how the sign on the door is going to stop said person from chasing said target into the restroom. If anything, gendered restrooms make it easier for a man pursuing a woman since he knows he won't have to deal with other muscular men in there.
Right? Unless we make it so an obvious girl/guy can go into the opposite gendered bathroom because "they're obviously not cis omg stop oppressing me" to chase after whoever their target is for the night. When it's left up to feelings, who is to say what is right? At least leaving it to biology gives a clear cut answer to the question. And yeah, obviously I don't look at people's junk in the bathroom, but if the courts ever get involved in some case, I'd rather rule in favor of with "who logically/scientifically belonged there" vs "who felt like they wanted to go there that day". Sorry not sorry.

Logic is entirely subjective. If someone feels attacked by someone else having different genitals being around them, perhaps they might spend more time reflecting on why the bodies of others are so very much their business.
If anything, gendered restrooms make it easier for a man pursuing a woman since he knows he won't have to deal with other muscular men in there.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY HASN'T THIS BEEN BROUGHT UP OR THUNK UP BEFORE INCLUDING BY ME IT'S SO OBVIOUS. So much for "escaping the opposite sex" when your door says "hey all the ladies are this way, my pal"
You still haven't answered how the sign on the door is going to stop said person from chasing said target into the restroom. If anything, gendered restrooms make it easier for a man pursuing a woman since he knows he won't have to deal with other muscular men in there.

I'm going with clubs, again, because those are the most likely place for this sort of thing to happen. If the bathroom entrances are in public view, especially if security or bouncers are involved, it's much more likely for a clearly obvious male to be reported going into a female bathroom. Yeah, doesn't work when no one is watching, but I'm thinking in cases where people are more likely to be under the influence in public with non-intoxicated personnel involved.
I'm going with clubs, again, because those are the most likely place for this sort of thing to happen. If the bathroom entrances are in public view, especially if security or bouncers are involved, it's much more likely for a clearly obvious male to be reported going into a female bathroom. Yeah, doesn't work when no one is watching, but I'm thinking in cases where people are more likely to be under the influence in public with non-intoxicated personnel involved.

Well, if a club wants to do that for that reason then okay whatever. Public schools and stuff like that are a lot different and Trump's policy just harms transgender people while providing no benefit for anyone else.
basic human rights are literally defined as universal human rights, and that's not up to the whims of states, or more accurately a few singular members of each state that may or may not represent the population of the state.

i am a long term resident and voting constituent of texas, and i just think you should know this bill literally terrifies me and makes me physically ill. i have not voted for it. i will continue to voice my legal, loud, and firm voice against it. the authors of this bill do not represent me or millions of the voting constituency of texas. it's not states rights if it's not supporting the people's of those state's rights.

Contrary to what you believe, the right for people to make bathroom choices is not a civil rights issue. It's not. But they do have the right to use public restrooms. Just fighting for something trivial with lawsuits is not very fair. I do recognize that there are some people that are truly transgender, but for those that chose to be transgender without being raised that way, a lot of people couldn't acknowledge that they are the gender they identify. They would say that they're still male even when they identify as female and vice versa. I wouldn't say that these people are right, but I'm trying to point out that this isn't a civil rights issue like racial segregation and same-sex marriage. Especially if they don't even make up 1% of the population.

If even being neutral or failing to take sides is considered transphobic, then I'm sorry to say, but you're full of bias.

However, I do think that the bullying and harassment of transgender people should stop. However, bullying in general has gotten far out of control that even punishing people for bullying isn't gonna work. Harsh punishment wasn't even considered an option due to emotional sensitivity and insecurity as some would find this unethical. I don't care how sensitive people are this day. They ought to stick with the facts.
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Contrary to what you believe, the right for people to make bathroom choices is not a civil rights issue. It's not. But they do have the right to use public restrooms. Just fighting for something trivial with lawsuits is not very fair. I do recognize that there are some people that are truly transgender, but for those that chose to be transgender without being raised that way, a lot of people couldn't acknowledge that they are the gender they identify. They would say that they're still male even when they identify as female and vice versa. I wouldn't say that these people are right, but I'm trying to point out that this isn't a civil rights issue like racial segregation and same-sex marriage. Especially if they don't even make up 1% of the population.

If even being neutral or failing to take sides is considered transphobic, then I'm sorry to say, but you're full of bias.

However, I do think that the bullying and harassment of transgender people should stop. However, bullying in general has gotten far out of control that even punishing people for bullying isn't gonna work. Harsh punishment wasn't even considered an option due to emotional sensitivity and insecurity as some would find this unethical. I don't care how sensitive people are this day. They ought to stick with the facts.

People do not choose to be trans any more than they choose to be black or white or gay, friend. No one is raised to be trans, in fact, many trans people are RAISED to deal with a body and pronoun that doesn't truly make them happy.
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