Troll the person above you...

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“I do not want to be a “bad girl”. I will never smoke, or drink in excess or before I am of age, or do drugs. I will not give away my virginity before I am married. But there is one thing I will do. I will challenge the assumption that innocent is synonymous with na?ve. I will challenge anyone who thinks that I cannot be kind and fierce at the same time.”
Deep af
wow this was suppose to be a joke trolling thread

okay if that's how you wanna play -cracks knuckles- let's play

mermaids aren't real you are not a mermaid you need to seriously have a reality check
you weren't experimented on you didn't run away into the jungle like you said to me that is complete BS stop lying it's not good to lie because soon people will stop believing in anything you say and when it comes to the time where you are telling the truth people will just think it's nothing but a big lie like a lot of the other stuff you say c:

basically the whole "The Boy who cried Wolf" deal

seriously I'm not going to baby you or pity you at all because you are just a lying
attention seeker

also weren't we suppose to leave each other alone?
isn't that what you wanted if so, why aren't you following it? so I suggest you buzz off you little annoying knat
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