June 2nd is the date as of now.
Wait... I thought we agreed on July 2nd, not June.
Luckily June 2nd is a Saturday, so there's still a chance of me participating. Maybe we could have June 2nd be our trial run and make it weekly or more often in the summer?
A day before might work better for me, just so I have more time to catch up on sleep. Would that still work for everyone? (June 1st)
So how many of you are actually going to stay up all night? I'm foreseeing all of you leaving at like 12.
Where is "here"?

I'll try to stay up. Once summer comes, there's nothing stopping me. (unless I get really tired)

West coast. Or British Columbia to be more precise.
definitely up for any all-nighters during the summer time

i'm actually pullling one tonight to start a huge project yey for procrastination \m/
Pretty sure bittermeat and I will stay up since we're such pros at allnighters \m/
Pretty sure bittermeat and I will stay up since we're such pros at allnighters \m/
yeeee buddy