Mafia The Quest for King - Voting

Vote Tally
voltairenism (5)
- Damniel, N e s s, oath2order, Geoni, Jacob4
Jacob4 (1) - tessa grace

Voting ends in 3m!
Vote Tally
voltairenism (7)
- Damniel, N e s s, oath2order, Geoni, Jacob4, annika, ribbitribbon
oath2order (1) - voltairenism
Jacob4 (1) - tessa grace

voltairenism has been crowned King for Night 3!
Vote Tally
voltairenism (5) -
Jacob4, N e s s, oath2order, annika, Geoni
oath2order (1) - voltairenism

voltairenism will be crowned King for N4!