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The movie list: Don't know what to watch? Check this out!


Cynically insane
Mar 30, 2014
Winter Mittens
Avatar Width Extension
Silver Mailbox
I'm sure I'm not the only one who sometimes wants to watch a movie but has NO idea what to watch...
So why not make a massive movie list with other TBTers?
Here is what to do:

  • Suggest a movie!
    But don't just post the title and say it's awesome.
    Include the genre, the date of release and the plot
    (no spoilers, you can also link to an external website that has the plot).
    If you can, list a few similar movies.
    That should help viewers know if they might be interested in watching it!
What I will do is compile all the movie suggestions in the first post,
divided by genres. This way we will have a list to look at when we don't know what to watch!


Watership down is based on a famous novel and has a very touching story.
If you think this is going to be cute and rainbows...
then I am going to dissepointing you.
According to lapine culture and mythology, the world was created by the god Frith, who represents the Sun. All animals lived harmoniously, but the rabbits eventually multiplied, and their appetite led to a food shortage. At the prayers of the desperate animals, Frith warned the rabbit prince El-ahrairah to control his people, but was scoffed at. In retaliation, Frith gave special gifts to every animal, but some animals he made predators to prey upon the rabbits. Satisfied that El-ahrairah had learned his lesson, Frith also gave the rabbits speed and cunning; while many would seek to kill them, the rabbits could survive by their wits and quickness.

In October 1957, after the launch of Sputnik, a giant alien robot from outer space crashes into the ocean near the coast of Rockwell, Maine, and wanders onto the mainland and into the forest, where it becomes entangled and trapped in the power cables of an electrical substation. Nine-year-old Hogarth Hughes follows the trail of destruction through the forest left by the robot, finds it, frees it, and befriends it. The Iron Giant, which has lost its memory, accompanies Hogarth back to the house where he lives with his widowed mother Annie. The Giant tries to sustain its energy by eating off the ties of the nearby railroad tracks. Alarmed by the sound of an oncoming train, Hogarth tells the Giant to repair the tracks. But it takes too long, and the train collides with the Giant. Hogarth hides the damaged robot in their barn, and soon discovers that the individual parts of the robot are self-repairing.

It has a very Studio-Ghibli vibe to it, but it isn't. I still love it the same though. Here is a summary:
Strange sounds in the darkness... Unearthly music from an old crystal radio... These are all the warning Asuna Watase has before a simple walk to her clubhouse catapults her into a nightmarish adventure that will take her beneath the Earth to a lost land beyond the realm of legend! Attacked by a strange monstrous creature, rescued by a mysterious stranger and pursued by a relentless enemy, Asuna finds herself enmeshed in a centuries old mystery that will bind her to a strange young defender and lead her inevitably, towards a secret that may hold the key to life itself!

Shaun is an electronics shop employee with no direction in life. His younger colleagues show him no respect, he has a difficult relationship with his stepfather, Phillip ,and a tense one with his housemate, Pete ,because of Ed ,Shaun's other housemate and crude, unemployed best friend. Furthermore, Shaun's girlfriend, Liz , dislikes their social life, as they primarily spend every evening at the Winchester, Shaun and Ed's favourite pub; they never do anything alone together; Shaun always brings Ed, and Liz brings her flatmates, David and Dianne
The next morning, an uprising of zombies has overwhelmed the town, but Shaun is too busy dealing with his problems and hangover to notice. He and Ed discover a zombie woman in their back yard...First fighting back with random objects and Shaun's records, Shaun and Ed arm themselves with a cricket bat and a shovel after breaking into their own locked shed. They kill the two zombies in the yard and by a process of elimination decide the safest place to wait out the crisis is the Winchester.

Nicholas Angel, a London police officer, is so good at his job that his superiors decide to "promote" him to the countryside. The place is said to be crime-free, yet soon after he gets there, people start dying in gruesome ways. Angel thinks it's all part of a conspiracy but is shot down each time he brings it up. He eventually becomes buddies with one of the local cops, and manages to uncover the mystery behind the deaths.
The two leading actors are Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (same as Shaun of the Dead). It's also the second film in what is called the "Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy", with Shaun of the Dead being the first and The World's End being the last.

Based on a true story
Years earlier, a puppy is sent from Japan to the United States, but escapes when his cage falls off the baggage cart at an American train station. Professor Parker Wilson finds the abandoned dog and when the station controller refuses to take the puppy, he takes it home with the intention of returning the animal to its owner. Initially, Cate Parker does not want them to keep the puppy. Parker learns that the dog is an Akita. The dog has not been claimed when he returns to the station the following morning, so he takes him to the college, where Ken, a Japanese professor, suggests that perhaps the two are meant to be together. He translates the symbol on the collar as 'Hachi'—Japanese for the number 8—signifying good fortune. Parker decides to call the dog Hachikō. Parker attempts to play fetch with Hachi, but he refuses to join in. Cate receives a call from someone wishing to adopt the puppy, but having seen how close her husband is with Hachi, she tells the caller, "Hachi has already been spoken for. "

The story begins in summertime. Sara Goldfarb, an elderly widow living alone in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, spends her time watching infomercials hosted by Tappy Tibbons. After a phone call announces she will be invited to participate in a game show, she becomes obsessed with regaining the youthful appearance she possesses in a photograph from Harry's graduation, her proudest moment. In order to fit into her old red dress, the favorite of her deceased husband Seymour, she begins taking a regimen of prescription weight-loss amphetamine pills throughout the day and a sedative at night. Despite Harry’s warnings about amphetamine dependence, she passionately insists that the chance to be on television has given her a reason to live. When her invitation does not arrive over the fall season, she increases her dosage but begins suffering from amphetamine psychosis, hallucinating that she is the principal subject of the game show and her refrigerator is a menacing, living monster.
(extreamly storng movie)

That's right foo's, Pulp Fiction #1 movie of all time. It's got drama, suspense, intrigue, comedy and cool. Released in 1994, it popularized Samuel L Jackson, and brought John Travolta back from the dead. Written and directed by the most incredifun director of the ages, Quentin Tarantino. The plot is simply guys being cool guys. I dare you to think of a better way to describe it if you've seen the movie. I shouldn't even have to write this, as it should be a rite of passage for any human being graduating from infant school.

This is a Japanese film about a paranormal investigator investigating ghosts, psychic powers and cults. Eventually the three subjects come together in a really bizarre fashion.
I would suggest this film just for the fact that it broke the mold of the typical Japanese horror film. There's no girls with black hair crawling out of TVs to kill people. There's no little boys that sound like a cat. There's no jump scares.

This is basically a collection of short horror films, with the only connection between them being that they are on VHS tapes that are being watched by some guy. The film's parts are a bit hit-or-miss. You'll love some of them, others you'll think sucked. But I think everybody agrees that the vampire story is the best one.
There's also a V/H/S/2, which is not as good, in my opinion.

At first glance, this looks like a run-of-the-mill horror flick. A group of teens decides to go camping in the woods and they start being killed off one by one. However, the group finds out that their deaths were planned by a company that controls the monsters. This film uses the cliches from horror films, while at the same time turning them on their head.

A man finds out he's good at killing and goes on a killing spree. Everybody's a target, from men to women to children. He films his murders, and it's obvious the takes pleasure in it.
This film is done in a documentary-style, but it is very graphic. It's also not officially out, as the director decided to forego its mass release to instead push Quarantine, a crappy remake of the Spanish film [REC] (which is also amazing).

"Based on a true story"
Chapman University hosts a televised interview with psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler . She tells a story of a close encounter incident at Nome, Alaska, in October 2000.
In August 2000, Tyler's husband, Will, is mysteriously murdered one night in his sleep, leaving her to raise their two children, Ashley and Ronnie.

Rated 15 in UK ratings
This is a film about a young boy who has problems that are a gift. Not a gift, but a curse, he'd say. He can see dead people and it makes him scared. He gets psychological treatment by his mother's request (his mother doesn't know about how he can see the dead, she just thought he was acting weird), but something about his psychologist is strange, and only his patient knows.

Rated 18 in UK ratings
A female FBI academy student is sent to visit prisoner Hannibal Lector. Hannibal was a psychologist but also a cannibal who eats anyone who gets in his way. She visits him only for information to be used for a hunt for the murderer of five victims, all who have been skinned. The killer is known as Buffalo Bill by the media, and has an obsession with female skin. This is a mystery that will only unfold as the movie continues. You will see disturbing images but it is a great story.

Based on the Video Game Silent Hill
Rose and her husband, Christopher Da Silva, are concerned about their adopted daughter, 9-year old Sharon, who has been sleepwalking while calling the name of a town, "Silent Hill". Desperate for answers, Rose takes Sharon to Silent Hill. As they approach the town, she is pursued by police officer Cybil Bennett. A child appears in the road, causing Rose to swerve and crash the car, knocking herself unconscious. When she awakens, Sharon is missing, while fog and falling ash blanket the town.

The film is about a family finding a feral woman and taking her captive. The father wants to bring her into normal human civilization (or so he says) and needs the entire family's help for that. Even though it seems like this feral woman might be inhuman with the way she acts, it eventually becomes clear that this family has very dark secrets to keep.

Two guys decide to cut class one day and end up in an abandoned psychiatric hospital. While they're there, they discover a naked young woman who can't speak. While one of them expresses interest in using her, the other one refuses and leaves. The next day he hears about how she got raped, and the one guy tried to kill her several times without success. Dubbed "Deadgirl", the woman is used and abused over and over again, not only for sexual pleasures but also for the rush of killing someone.
The film is very gory, and it's fairly sick in its content. However, I think a lot of people can learn something about human beings by watching it.

Presented as a story by a group of students and their teacher Lena that takes place in the distant future, The Last Mimzy is the story of the distant future's attempt to avert a catastrophic ecological disaster that has destroyed their world. High tech devices disguised as toys are sent back in time into the distant past to Noah and Emma Wilder, children in early 21st century in Seattle. The "toys" are incomprehensible to Emma and Noah except for what appears to be a stuffed rabbit. Sensing the paranormal supernatural strangeness of the devices, the children initially keep their discovery secret from their parents.
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Pretty great idea for a thread.

I'm a huge fan of horror films, so let me suggest some of my favorites from that genre.

  • Noroi (2005)
    This is a Japanese film about a paranormal investigator investigating ghosts, psychic powers and cults. Eventually the three subjects come together in a really bizarre fashion.
    I would suggest this film just for the fact that it broke the mold of the typical Japanese horror film. There's no girls with black hair crawling out of TVs to kill people. There's no little boys that sound like a cat. There's no jump scares.
  • V/H/S (2012)
    This is basically a collection of short horror films, with the only connection between them being that they are on VHS tapes that are being watched by some guy. The film's parts are a bit hit-or-miss. You'll love some of them, others you'll think sucked. But I think everybody agrees that the vampire story is the best one.
    There's also a V/H/S/2, which is not as good, in my opinion.
  • Cabin in the Woods (2012)
    At first glance, this looks like a run-of-the-mill horror flick. A group of teens decides to go camping in the woods and they start being killed off one by one. However, the group finds out that their deaths were planned by a company that controls the monsters. This film uses the cliches from horror films, while at the same time turning them on their head.
    cabin in the woods 03.jpg
  • The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007)
    A man finds out he's good at killing and goes on a killing spree. Everybody's a target, from men to women to children. He films his murders, and it's obvious the takes pleasure in it.
    This film is done in a documentary-style, but it is very graphic. It's also not officially out, as the director decided to forego its mass release to instead push Quarantine, a crappy remake of the Spanish film [REC] (which is also amazing).

If I can think of anything else, I'll be sure to post it. :)
Here is my suggestion!

Watership down (animation)

Watership down is based on a famous novel and has a very touching story.
If you think this is going to be cute and rainbows...
then I am going to dissepointing you.
According to lapine culture and mythology, the world was created by the god Frith, who represents the Sun. All animals lived harmoniously, but the rabbits eventually multiplied, and their appetite led to a food shortage. At the prayers of the desperate animals, Frith warned the rabbit prince El-ahrairah to control his people, but was scoffed at. In retaliation, Frith gave special gifts to every animal, but some animals he made predators to prey upon the rabbits. Satisfied that El-ahrairah had learned his lesson, Frith also gave the rabbits speed and cunning; while many would seek to kill them, the rabbits could survive by their wits and quickness.

The Fourth Kind (horror)

"Based on a true story"
Chapman University hosts a televised interview with psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler . She tells a story of a close encounter incident at Nome, Alaska, in October 2000.

In August 2000, Tyler's husband, Will, is mysteriously murdered one night in his sleep, leaving her to raise their two children, Ashley and Ronnie.

Requiem For A Dream (drama)

The story begins in summertime. Sara Goldfarb, an elderly widow living alone in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, spends her time watching infomercials hosted by Tappy Tibbons. After a phone call announces she will be invited to participate in a game show, she becomes obsessed with regaining the youthful appearance she possesses in a photograph from Harry's graduation, her proudest moment. In order to fit into her old red dress, the favorite of her deceased husband Seymour, she begins taking a regimen of prescription weight-loss amphetamine pills throughout the day and a sedative at night. Despite Harry’s warnings about amphetamine dependence, she passionately insists that the chance to be on television has given her a reason to live. When her invitation does not arrive over the fall season, she increases her dosage but begins suffering from amphetamine psychosis, hallucinating that she is the principal subject of the game show and her refrigerator is a menacing, living monster.

(extreamly storng movie)

Hatchi: A Dog's Tale (drama)

Based on a true story

Years earlier, a puppy is sent from Japan to the United States, but escapes when his cage falls off the baggage cart at an American train station. Professor Parker Wilson finds the abandoned dog and when the station controller refuses to take the puppy, he takes it home with the intention of returning the animal to its owner. Initially, Cate Parker does not want them to keep the puppy. Parker learns that the dog is an Akita. The dog has not been claimed when he returns to the station the following morning, so he takes him to the college, where Ken, a Japanese professor, suggests that perhaps the two are meant to be together. He translates the symbol on the collar as 'Hachi'—Japanese for the number 8—signifying good fortune. Parker decides to call the dog Hachikō. Parker attempts to play fetch with Hachi, but he refuses to join in. Cate receives a call from someone wishing to adopt the puppy, but having seen how close her husband is with Hachi, she tells the caller, "Hachi has already been spoken for. "

I got more if you intressed!
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The Fourth Kind was pretty good. It's not among my favorites, but I enjoyed it. It's a lot better than the crappy horrors that are made nowadays, like Insidious and Sinister.

And I'll back you up on that Requiem for a Dream recommendation. One of the most powerful films I have seen.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Watership Down is one of my favorite movies. :)
Reenhard could you please add the genre for your suggestions though?
So I can classify them correctly? If I have to search the genre for each movie I haven't seen in this thread I won't have a life. LOL!

Requiem for a Dream for example I don't know how to classify it (tha movie scares me so much).

Hachi was a cute movie. <3
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Thought about posting this thread yesterday - finally! Hope a comedy genre comes out ;w;
That Awkward Moment (2014) for comedy! :) Will add more soon ~
I can add two to horror ? :)

The sixth sense - 1999

Rated 15 in UK ratings

This is a film about a young boy who has problems that are a gift. Not a gift, but a curse, he'd say. He can see dead people and it makes him scared. He gets psychological treatment by his mother's request (his mother doesn't know about how he can see the dead, she just thought he was acting weird), but something about his psychologist is strange, and only his patient knows.

Silence of the lambs - 1991

Rated 18 in UK ratings

A female FBI academy student is sent to visit prisoner Hannibal Lector. Hannibal was a psychologist but also a cannibal who eats anyone who gets in his way. She visits him only for information to be used for a hunt for the murderer of five victims, all who have been skinned. The killer is known as Buffalo Bill by the media, and has an obsession with female skin. This is a mystery that will only unfold as the movie continues. You will see disturbing images but it is a great story.
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HelloAnna, please add the plot if you want it added to the list!

Avalon: Awesome, adding both!
I watch a lot of movies. I feel peoples taste in movies are subjective to a point. There is only one movie every single human being is required to watch and fully enjoy to be fully considered a human being. If you have not watched this movie, you are not yet a human. If you have watched this movie and did not enjoy it, you're a horrendous evil alien robot that I will be waging war against once your stupid and predictable revolt against the humans occurs.

Before you click my spoiler tag, take a deep deep breath-


That's right foo's, Pulp Fiction #1 movie of all time. It's got drama, suspense, intrigue, comedy and cool. Released in 1994, it popularized Samuel L Jackson, and brought John Travolta back from the dead.

Written and directed by the most incredifun director of the ages, Quentin Tarantino. The plot is simply guys being cool guys. I dare you to think of a better way to describe it if you've seen the movie. I shouldn't even have to write this, as it should be a rite of passage for any human being graduating from infant school.
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More Movies here!

The Iron Giant (Animation)

In October 1957, after the launch of Sputnik, a giant alien robot from outer space crashes into the ocean near the coast of Rockwell, Maine, and wanders onto the mainland and into the forest, where it becomes entangled and trapped in the power cables of an electrical substation. Nine-year-old Hogarth Hughes follows the trail of destruction through the forest left by the robot, finds it, frees it, and befriends it. The Iron Giant, which has lost its memory, accompanies Hogarth back to the house where he lives with his widowed mother Annie. The Giant tries to sustain its energy by eating off the ties of the nearby railroad tracks. Alarmed by the sound of an oncoming train, Hogarth tells the Giant to repair the tracks. But it takes too long, and the train collides with the Giant. Hogarth hides the damaged robot in their barn, and soon discovers that the individual parts of the robot are self-repairing.

Silent Hill ( horror )

Based on the Video Game Silent Hill

Rose and her husband, Christopher Da Silva, are concerned about their adopted daughter, 9-year old Sharon, who has been sleepwalking while calling the name of a town, "Silent Hill". Desperate for answers, Rose takes Sharon to Silent Hill. As they approach the town, she is pursued by police officer Cybil Bennett. A child appears in the road, causing Rose to swerve and crash the car, knocking herself unconscious. When she awakens, Sharon is missing, while fog and falling ash blanket the town.

The Last Mimzy (Sci-Fiction)

Presented as a story by a group of students and their teacher Lena that takes place in the distant future, The Last Mimzy is the story of the distant future's attempt to avert a catastrophic ecological disaster that has destroyed their world. High tech devices disguised as toys are sent back in time into the distant past to Noah and Emma Wilder, children in early 21st century in Seattle. The "toys" are incomprehensible to Emma and Noah except for what appears to be a stuffed rabbit. Sensing the paranormal supernatural strangeness of the devices, the children initially keep their discovery secret from their parents.

Shaun of the Dead (Horror Comendy)

Shaun 2is an electronics shop employee with no direction in life. His younger colleagues show him no respect, he has a difficult relationship with his stepfather, Phillip ,and a tense one with his housemate, Pete ,because of Ed ,Shaun's other housemate and crude, unemployed best friend. Furthermore, Shaun's girlfriend, Liz , dislikes their social life, as they primarily spend every evening at the Winchester, Shaun and Ed's favourite pub; they never do anything alone together; Shaun always brings Ed, and Liz brings her flatmates, David and Dianne
The next morning, an uprising of zombies has overwhelmed the town, but Shaun is too busy dealing with his problems and hangover to notice. He and Ed discover a zombie woman in their back yard...First fighting back with random objects and Shaun's records, Shaun and Ed arm themselves with a cricket bat and a shovel after breaking into their own locked shed. They kill the two zombies in the yard and by a process of elimination decide the safest place to wait out the crisis is the Winchester.

I wouldn't wish Silent Hill on my worst enemy...
The game it's based on is great. The movie is crap.

Your other choices are great though.

Anyway, I have some more.

  • The Woman (2011) [horror]

    The film is about a family finding a feral woman and taking her captive. The father wants to bring her into normal human civilization (or so he says) and needs the entire family's help for that. Even though it seems like this feral woman might be inhuman with the way she acts, it eventually becomes clear that this family has very dark secrets to keep.

  • Hot Fuzz (2007) [comedy]

    Nicholas Angel, a London police officer, is so good at his job that his superiors decide to "promote" him to the countryside. The place is said to be crime-free, yet soon after he gets there, people start dying in gruesome ways. Angel thinks it's all part of a conspiracy but is shot down each time he brings it up. He eventually becomes buddies with one of the local cops, and manages to uncover the mystery behind the deaths.

    The two leading actors are Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (same as Shaun of the Dead). It's also the second film in what is called the "Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy", with Shaun of the Dead being the first and The World's End being the last.

  • Deadgirl (2008) [horror]

    Two guys decide to cut class one day and end up in an abandoned psychiatric hospital. While they're there, they discover a naked young woman who can't speak. While one of them expresses interest in using her, the other one refuses and leaves. The next day he hears about how she got raped, and the one guy tried to kill her several times without success. Dubbed "Deadgirl", the woman is used and abused over and over again, not only for sexual pleasures but also for the rush of killing someone.

    The film is very gory, and it's fairly sick in its content. However, I think a lot of people can learn something about human beings by watching it.
Children Who Chase Lost Voices/Journey to Agartha (May 7, 2011) Animation
It has a very Studio-Ghibli vibe to it, but it isn't. I still love it the same though. Here is a summary:
Strange sounds in the darkness... Unearthly music from an old crystal radio... These are all the warning Asuna Watase has before a simple walk to her clubhouse catapults her into a nightmarish adventure that will take her beneath the Earth to a lost land beyond the realm of legend! Attacked by a strange monstrous creature, rescued by a mysterious stranger and pursued by a relentless enemy, Asuna finds herself enmeshed in a centuries old mystery that will bind her to a strange young defender and lead her inevitably, towards a secret that may hold the key to life itself!

aaand here is this trailer for it:
It's dubbed, too, for those who would prefer not to watch in Japanese.
I watch a lot of movies. I feel peoples taste in movies are subjective to a point. There is only one movie every single human being is required to watch and fully enjoy to be fully considered a human being. If you have not watched this movie, you are not yet a human. If you have watched this movie and did not enjoy it, you're a horrendous evil alien robot that I will be waging war against once your stupid and predictable revolt against the humans occurs.

Before you click my spoiler tag, take a deep deep breath-


That's right foo's, Pulp Fiction #1 movie of all time. It's got drama, suspense, intrigue, comedy and cool. Released in 1994, it popularized Samuel L Jackson, and brought John Travolta back from the dead.

Written and directed by the most incredifun director of the ages, Quentin Tarantino. The plot is simply guys being cool guys. I dare you to think of a better way to describe it if you've seen the movie. I shouldn't even have to write this, as it should be a rite of passage for any human being graduating from infant school.

It's a very good movie, not my favorite by Tarantino though.
I much prefer Kill Bill and Reservoir Dogs.

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Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, I'll be adding them to the list I promis! :D
Sorry Titi, or should I call you robovexuszorgtiti. Pulp Fiction is not only Tarantinos best work, but mankind's best work!
Sorry Titi, or should I call you robovexuszorgtiti. Pulp Fiction is not only Tarantinos best work, but mankind's best work!

You're entitled to your opinion, but some people just don't like certain movies. I'm not overly fond of any of Tarantino's films, Pulp Fiction being one of them.

I also wasn't fond of Fight Club either on that note. Meh. Different strokes.
You're entitled to your opinion, but some people just don't like certain movies. I'm not overly fond of any of Tarantino's films, Pulp Fiction being one of them.

I also wasn't fond of Fight Club either on that note. Meh. Different strokes.

Relaaax I'm only kidding mang!

You are entitled to your opinion, even though its wrong :)
Also please remember to include the release date and dominant genre, it saves me the research! :)

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All suggestions so far added. Thank you!