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The Mandela Effect?


moon doll
Jul 15, 2015
Throwback Tickets
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
Its all just misconceptions...or is it?

Here's some info on the 'Mandela Effect', Source.

I personally do not believe it is real, I think the brain processes information, images and so on in a way which makes them look more organized/look better and when doing so it leads us to believe it was always like that which in turn creates misconceptions and people being crazy.

So do you think its real and if you do/don't why?
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i like those effect theories, and i believe every theory is true bc i'm kinda a believer. unless there's a real reason like scientifically why it wouldn't be plausible, i'll believe it.
I have no idea what I'm reading. some1 plz explain, thx.

But if I'm right, it's false memories. I love parallel universes and I think there's a 50/50 chance of it being true. Like, maybe if you made a different choice at that moment, there'd be a whole other world. Then again, maybe our futures are set in stone instead of pencil.

I wrote a cute lil' story about alternate realities ages ago, when I was a little kid. Back before I, uh, dropped out of school and everything. I could've published that and be loaded like J.K Rowling. lmao.
It's a difficult subject for me because, as a spiritualist, I believe thoroughly in the afterlife, but to my knowledge, alternative realities are not part of any grand scheme, so to speak. So, if there were alternative realities, they would all have their own respective afterlives, seperate from ours in this reality, which makes it difficult to say we will ever know for sure about whether they exist or not.

I definitely think it's possible, but I will have to continue being agnostic about it.
just because ppl think they remember someone famous dying a long time ago doesnt mean we live in Different Realities or w/e. idk what their memories are like but this feels a lot like someone didnt want to be wrong so they convinced themself that this is some paranormal phenomenon
I think it's more like "trained" memories than alternate realities, kind of how in school every body sang a silly version of I can believe I can fly having to with being shot by the FBI, and nobody knows where it came from, in Middle School we all thought Marilyn Manson had a rib removed to do some naughty things. Not that I discount alternate realities, I think it's probable. I just think somewhere along the lines we all learn these things here or there and it's hard for our brains to un-learn them to learn the truth. Idk
I'm not sure about it but I don't really believe in it, but it is interesting. There are some things I & lots of other people remember that actually didn't happen, it makes me really confused sometimes.
I think it's more realistic that people (of a certain age group) remember things differently because their underdeveloped child brain changed things to make them easier to process back then or it simply changed a thing for them to make them easier to remember/understand than there being multiple alternative universe within this very universe. It makes for great sci-fi but it has nothing to do with reality.
I think the effect/phenomenon is absolutely a thing. Like most other people, I'm positive it was Berenstein, because I have vivid memories of being confused of how to pronounce it. But I really have a hard time believing the really out there theories that our memories of it are real because now we've "shifted" into a different dimension or reality or universe. That's just...so silly and ridiculous I cannot believe people really believe that. But if someone actually came up with a plausible, moderate explanation for this and not just either "your memories are wrong" and "our universe has changed," I'm willing to listen.
I've been so interested in the Mandela Effect lately. I don't really believe or disbelieve, I'm an open-minded skeptic. I think it's really odd and am fascinated by it, but I'm not sure what theories I do or don't believe about it.

The Mandela Effects that have weirded me out the most are 1. Pikachu's tail (which is where people are remembering Pikachu having a black tail tip, when they do not apart from Cosplay Pikachu) and 2. Fruit of the Loom logo (many people remember the Fruit of the Loom logo having a cornucopia, but it does not)
my roommate asked me these the other week, the monopoly and chick-fil-a one and I was right... the Bears one does irk me, but I think its because everyone pronounced it wrong from the start and its meant for children.
To disapprove the Mandela Effect... then take a look at psychology.
I don't believe in it much due to the fact that I don't believe in time travel or parallel universes, but I'll admit, it does leave me shook from time to time. However, some of the things that is said to be affected don't fool me. For example: Jif Peanut-butter. It's always been Jif. Not Jiffy. I've never thought it was Jiffy. I've beat the Mandela Effect.
I'm still not sure that I get exactly what the Mandela effect is, or why people suddenly seem so interested in it?

It just seems like something silly that the internet blew up over just to create paranoia in people, you know?
SOMETHING weird is going on, but I have no idea what. It was definitely Berenstein and the Monopoly guy definitely had an eyeglass. And it's not just children remembering things wrong because my mom agrees with me.
SOMETHING weird is going on, but I have no idea what. It was definitely Berenstein and the Monopoly guy definitely had an eyeglass. And it's not just children remembering things wrong because my mom agrees with me.

maybe just common misconceptions .?? like, i thought both prince and bowie were dead before they died but that doesnt mean that i was in a different reality where they died before 2016, i was just misinformed or had assumed that they were dead w/o any real reason.
I think people fill in what's actually there with what they think should be there.

Like febreeze and febreze. You'd think it'd be spelled febreeze because that's what it sounds like, so that's what you see in your head, especially when a can of it isn't right there in front of you. Same with Berenstein and Berenstain.

I was never really convinced by this theory but I do love conspiracy theories and I read into this one a lot. Still not convinced it's a thing. Yet.

Now CERN. That's something to keep an eye on. lol
i don't believe it. the mind is easy to manipulate. i was reading about a study and researchers convinced the volunteers that they committed a crime that they did not really commit. They could vividly describe what happened and it didn't even happen at all. The mandela is just peoples minds being manipulated.

It's like your sitting in your room with a friend, you see a shadow or you THINK you saw a shadow. You tell your friend "did you see that?" They didn't see anything. But then you go on about it and soon you've convinced your friend. "Ok, woah I actually think I saw that." Then you both end up convinced the house is haunted or something.