Buying the last few art pieces i need (updated)


actually not ok
Mar 29, 2016
Father's Day Carnation
100% (60) +
offering any amount of IGB or 15 TBT per painting/statue.
i need:
- graceful painting
- moody painting

also, i'll trade any of the following art pieces at a 1:1 exchange rate (1 art piece that i need in exchange for 1 art piece that I have). i made sure to verify that all of them are genuine.
- flowery painting
- common painting
- wistful painting
- fine painting
- scenic painting
- solemn painting
- robust statue
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Howdy! I have a proper painting for 15 TBT. When would you be available and do you want pickup or delivery?
Howdy! I have a proper painting for 15 TBT. When would you be available and do you want pickup or delivery?

idk why i put "proper painting" on there i meant to put "amazing painting" you happen to have that?
idk why i put "proper painting" on there i meant to put "amazing painting" you happen to have that?

No amazing painting ss. I will be time traveling for Redd's shop later today to stock up on more paintings and statues, so I'll let you know if I come across any of these that you need.
No amazing painting ss. I will be time traveling for Redd's shop later today to stock up on more paintings and statues, so I'll let you know if I come across any of these that you need.

greatly appreciated, keep me updated!
I have a spare amazing painting! I'll happily trade it for either one of your solemn paintings or robust statue. I'm fine with delivery or pickup.
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I have a spare amazing painting! I'll happily trade it for either one of your solemn paintings or robust statue. I'm fine with delivery or pickup.

alright i've got your solemn painting ready and i'm adding your friend code rn, i'll deliver
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Added you! Gates are open whenever you wanna come by. Look for Delmarva by Courtney
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