The Homeplace


total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005
Hey guys.

If you have ever watched the hilarious TV 14 The Office with Steve Carrel (From The 40 Year-Old Virgin and Brick in Anchorman.), you know what I am going to get at here.

Basically, I want to make a live AC:WW show.

It will be unscripted, so no need to memorize lines.

Basically, it will be about a woodcutting company in the AC:WW world, and their many hilarious adventures.

Let me warn you, it could contain some possibly graphic content that may not be appropriate for chlidren under the age of 13, but then again, you should be over that age to be using any forum.


Casting crew:

This is an unscripted show, so you'll need to act the part; don't TRY to be funny, just play off of what I say.

Once we get all the parts, I will inform you about what your character should act like.

Pokefab- Fabio (Homeplace Lumber Boss)
(Needed)- Carmen (Homeplace Lumber Executive)
(Needed)- Manny (Homeplace Lumber Accountant)
(Needed)- Ray (Homeplace Sales)


Production Crew:

To be a member of the crew, you need to have at least one of these requirements:

- Have a video camera (We want to tape the show, but it is not neccesary.)
- Have a good improv sense of humor.
- Be avaliable often.


I'd like to post episodes here, also.


I'd like to begin an episode today if possible, so get applying!
