• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Mafia TBT Mini Mafia XIV: My Little Mafia: Deception is Magic [Endgame - Ponyville wins!]


Oct 18, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Black Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Red Feather
White Feather
Blue Feather
Fair Pinwheel
Yellow Feather


Equestria has seen an extended period of exceptional peace, with little to no threats or disturbances occurring for many years. During that time, ponies from all prances of live have lead humble, peaceful lives in Equesria. Most ponies began to think that evil had finally vanished and they were free from darkness forever. . . But that changed when vengeful, formerly defeated enemies of Equestria reemerged and joined forces. Calling themselves the "Ominous Equine", their goal is to seize all of Equestria. Ponyville is the first town the group of evil beings target, thinking they can gain an easy victory. Fortunately for Ponyville (and all of Equestria), some of the residents won't let that happen very easily - but the odds are stacked against Ponyville, because the leader of "Ominous" casted a transformation spell, making the group appear as average Ponyville citizens.

Mafia is a game of the uninformed majority versus the informed minority. To elaborate, the game is divided into two teams: the Town and the Mafia. Mafia know who each other are, and can coordinate their actions privately. Town players on the other hand don't know anything other than their own role. To compensate, there are many more Town than Mafia. The objective of the game is for Town to eliminate by killing or lynching all the Mafia before it is too late. The game is divided into repeating phases of Day and Night. Day revolves around voting for a player to be lynched. Night is reserved for the Mafia to make their kills and certain players to use their special abilities.

Be warned - Mafia requires a time commitment. This generally depends on the player, but at minimum 30 minutes a day of solid effort is required. As part of the time commitment, Mafia requires a great deal of reading. Most people are actually quite poor at reading comprehension and playing Mafia is a great way to improve your reading ability, as well as your writing and ability to think and argue logically.[/B]

How to Play Mafia for New Players:
Welcome to TBT Mafia. Mafia is a game of the informed minority versus the uninformed majority. To elaborate, the game is divided into two teams: the Town and the Mafia. Mafia know who each other are, and can coordinate their actions privately. Town on the other hand don't know anything other than their own role. To compensate, there are many more Townies than Mafia.

At the beginning of the game, you are PM'd your role. The game is divided into repeating phases of Day and Night. Day will generally last 48 hours and revolve around voting for a player to be lynched. Each player (including Mafia) get one vote, and players must figure out who the Mafia are, and convince others that they are correct. At the end of the day, the person with the most votes is lynched, and their alignment and role are revealed.

Night is typically 24 hours long and is reserved for Mafia night kills and players with special abilities. Usually, players discuss the results of the lynch at night, and make plans for the next day. When night ends, everyone will be informed of who died during the night. The new day will begin, and discussions for the lynch begin anew.

Mafia is a game of logic, intuition, persuasiveness, reading ability, emotion, and will. In short, its a thinking man's game. There are many different ways to approach the game and every game is a very different experience. In addition, Mafia is not for the faint-hearted or overly emotional. While not occurring every game, sometimes people can get into very heated arguments with one another. People can get very emotional playing Mafia, as it is a high-intensity endeavour. That being said, playing Mafia is an excellent to develop thick skin, improve your patience, and make yourself a stronger person mentally.


Hello! You are Twilight Sparkle (Jack of all trades) Twilight Sparkle (Jack of All Trades): Often times you're seen as a motherly figure to Ponyville. You're kind, gracious and caring but can be stern when it's necessary. You're essentially the leader of Ponyville, seen as the pony who will guide everyone to victory and protect them. Since you're a student of magical arts, you can perform a verity of spells - however, because you're still a student, you can only perform each of these spells once throughout the game on any player:
Protection spell : this spell surrounds a chosen player in a mystical veil of magic that protects them from another players spell.
Inspection spell : this spell allows you to read the mind of another pony and find out what alignment they're hiding.
Bullet spell : this spell, when activated, will send a bullet shaped orb of magic that kills the player instantly upon contact. You can use this spell any time, wether it be night or day. If the targeted pony is protected, this spell will be refunded for another time.
Tracking spell : when you cast the tracking spell, you'll be able to see if the targeted pony does something to another pony, or if magic is used on the targeted pony. If someone uses magic on the pony you're tracking, you will be notified who used magic on the pony, but will not be told what that spell was.

Hello! You are Rarity (detective) You have an eye for detail. Designing your clothes take takes a lot of time, effort and patience - but most of all, paying attention to detail. Because of this, you were asked to help discover clues to help weed out who are theats to Ponyville. Normally you would never do such a thing, however, considering all of Ponyville is in danger, you agreed to it. Each night you can PM the host with the name of a player you would like to cast an inspection spell on. Their alignment will come back to you the following morning. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

Hello! You are Rainbow Dash (vigilante) You're the fiery, hot-headed, stubborn pony that causes a lot of mischief in Ponyville, but the truth is you really do care about everyone. Learning of the looming threat against Ponyville, and being deeply affected by that, you take it upon yourself to kill people you deem suspicious. Each night you can PM the host a player you would like to kill. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

Hello! You are Flutter Shy (Doctor) You are an exceptionally kind, caring and thoughtful pony who loves animals. You're passion for caring about others makes you the perfect choice to be the caretaker of anyone who may be hurt while Ponyville is under threat. Because of your unique ability to quickly from a close friendship with many animals, you call upon them to aid you in helping others. Each night, you may PM the host with a player whom you wish to call your furry friends to protect. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

Hello! You are Apple Jack (Doctor): You were asked to be a doctor to heal those in need all around Ponyville. You accepted immediately, as you did NOT want those gang of evil creatures to make their way to your precious apple acres. You recently discovered an "enchanted Apple tree" in Apple acres. These enchanted apples, when eaten, protect the player who eats it from any magic for the duration of the night. Each night, you may PM the host a player whom you'd like to give one of the enchanted apples. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

Hello! You are Princess Celestia (unlynchable) You're the graceful and powerful ruler of Equestria - everypony admires you and wants to meet you. You've overheard the badness churning around Ponyville and you became filled with worry about your favorite pupil aswell as all of Ponyville, rushing to help. Because of your beauty and grace, you cannot be lynched. If votes are casted to lynch you, nothing happens. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

Hello! You are Diamond Tiara & your mason partner is Dolby (Silver Spoon) Ah, possibly the most infamous ponies in Ponyville. Both of you are extremely selfish, self-absorbed and rude to almost any pony, no matter how kind they are towards you. Even the nicest of ponies cannot stand you, therefore you both gossip to eachother a lot since you have no other friends. Because of this, you both trust eachother and find a secret place to discuss matters. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

Hello! You are Silver Spoon and Gamora is your mason partner. (Diamond Tiara) Ah, possibly the most infamous ponies in Ponyville. Both of you are extremely selfish, self-absorbed and rude to almost any pony, no matter how kind they are towards you. Even the nicest of ponies cannot stand you, therefore you both gossip to eachother a lot since you have no other friends. Because of this, you both trust eachother and find a secret place to discuss matters. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

Hello! You are Spike (Ponyville citizen) You're only a baby dragon with no powers, but you're here because it's your duty as a dragon to protect Ponyville. You only have your voice, so use it wisely.

Hello! You are Snips (Ponyville citizen) You're only here because you like to stick your hooves into everyone's business. You only have your voice, so use it wisely.

Hello! You are Snails (Ponyville citizen) You're only here because you like to stick your hooves in everyone's business. You only have your voice, so use it wisely.

Hello! You are Apple Bloom (Ponyville Citizen) All the older ponies feared for your safety and did not want you to help in protecting PonyVille. But being the rebellious pony you are (and because you're still a blank flank), you figure that you can gain your cutie mark by helping to save Ponyville from total takeover. You only have your voice, so use it wisely. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

Hello! You are Scootaloo (Ponyville citizen): All the older ponies feared for your safety and did not want you to help in protecting PonyVille. But being the rebellious pony you are (and because you're still a blank flank), you figure that you can gain your cutie mark by helping to save Ponyville from total takeover. You only have your voice, so use it wisely. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

Hello! You are Sweetie Bell (Ponyville citizen.) All the older ponies feared for your safety and did not want you to help in protecting PonyVille. But being the rebellious pony you are (and because you're still a blank flank), you figure that you can gain your cutie mark by helping to save Ponyville from total takeover. You only have your voice, so use it wisely. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

Hello! You are Pinkie Pie (Cannibal): You're everyone's favorite party pony! You're such a cheerful, innocent, delightful pony though can also be an obnoxious bafoon. Or atleast, that's what you want everyone to believe. The truth is, you're a cunning and smart liar and you hide a sinister secret: you eat ponies for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At the start of every other day phase, you may PM the host with a player you wish to "feast" on. It will take the whole day phase for them to die, meaning they won't show up dead until the end of the day. Also, since you have a masterful web of lies and deceit created, when someone tries to infiltrate that web and use an inspection spell on you, you become so enraged that you devour the caster of the inspection. Your win condition is simply to make it to the end of the game, and you can win with Ominous Equine or Ponyville.

Hello! You are Zecora (Voodoo Lady): You usually don't mingle with too many people, staying in your secluded forest, but when you catch word that Ponyville may be under threat, you decide to take it upon yourself to see what all the ruckus is about. You feel quite left out, as a majority of Ponyville citizens have never trusted you, nor do they trust you now, and the Ominous Equine certainly doesn't want you around either. Because of this, you decide to cause some havoc between both sides. At the beginning of each day phase, you may PM the host with a player you wish to curse. Pick a 4 letter word (it can be any 4 letter word), and the cursed player will not be allowed to say that word. If they do, their death is instantaneous. The curse lasts for the day phase, and wears off when night begins. Also, you're not allowed to repeat the words that you choose to be cursed. For examples sake, let's say Day 1 you choose "scum" to be cursed. You can no longer choose "scum" to be cursed any more in the game. Your win condition is to successfully curse and kill 4 players in the game.

Hello! You are Queen Chrysalis (Ominous Equine godfather) You're the ringleader of Ominous Equine, the pony that gathered all you deemed fit to aid you in your conquests of Equestria. You posses a unique magic, which allows yourself to appear like a regular, non threatening pony. At the start of the game, you choose who you want to disguise yourself as. You can also use your powerful magic to kill one player each night, and this will count for 1 KP. Your win condition is to equal or outnumber Ponyville.

Hello! You are Discord (Ominous Equine jack of all trades) Discord (Jack of All Trades): You're the infamous Discord, the spirit of disharmony. You love creating chaos and messing with Ponyville, so of course when offered a chance to take over Equesrtia, you happily obliged. You can create "disharmony" with four different spells - thanks to your powerful magic - however, each spell has a 1 time use. They are:

Bullet spell: Activating this spell will send a bullet shaped orb of magic at the target, and upon impact kills the targeted player Instantly. If the targeted player is protected, your spell is refunded for use another time - but, if you are roleblocked, it is not refunded.
Protection spell : this spell surrounds a chosen player in a mystical veil of magic that protects them from another players spell.
Inspection spell: this spell allows you to read the mind of another pony and find out what alignment they're hiding.
Framing spell: This is a a spell unique to you. (because you created it). It's the perfect disharmony spell... You can make a player from Ponyville appear as an enemy to an inspection spell or you can make another member of Ominous Equine appear as an ally to Ponyville. (The usage of 1 of your abilities accounts for 1 KP.)

Your win condition is to equal or outnumber Ponyville.

Hello! You are Nightmare Moon (Ominous Equine roleblocker) Once you ruled over Equestria with your sister, Princess Celestia... But you became filled with jealousy and anger towards her because people preferred day over night, and day was synonymous with your sister. You tried to become grater than your sister, but you were corrupted in the process. You strongly disdain Ponyville because of a particular pony that resides there, therefore you jumped at the chance to burn Ponyville to the ground. Each night, you can envelope a targeted player with your strange, mystical mist that renders their spell useless. Your win condition is to equal or outnumber Ponyville

Hello! You area Changeling (Ominous Equis goon) You're a simple minded servant of Queen Chrysalis brought along to help in the conquest of Ponyville. All you have is your voice and craftiness to Your win condition is to equal or outnumber Ponyville.


1. Alise Scootaloo (Ponyville citizen) [Modkilled day 2]
2. Cory Princess Celestia (Unlynchable)
3. ryan88 Snails(Ponyville citizen) [Lynched day 2]
4. gamora Diamond Tiara (Mason)
5. Sataric Zecora (Lady Voodoo) [Killed night 1]
6. C r y s t a l Pinkie Pie (Cannibal) [Killed night 2]
7. Axeler137 Fluttershy (Doctor) [Lynched day 3]
8. Ashtot Changeling (Ominous Equine goon) [Lynched day 6/Endgame]
9. Trundle Queen Chrysalis (Ominous Equine Godfather) [Killed night 3]
10. Campy Apple Bloom (Ponyville Citizen (Lynched day 4)
11. Feloreena Twilight Sparkle (Jack of All Trades) [Killed night 3]
12. Rage Spike (Ponyville Citizen) [Killed night 4]
13. BellGreen Nightmare Moon (Ominous Equine roleblocker) [Killed night 2]
14. Kuma Lauren Rainbow Dash (Vigilante) [Killed night 4]
15. Minties Apple Jack (Doctor) [Killed day 1]
16. Dolby Silver Spoon (Mason) [Killed night 5)
17. Zigzag991 Rarity (Detective)
18. Cariad Snips (Ponyville Citizen) [Lynched day 5]
19. Sumemr Discord (Ominous Equine Jack of All Trades) [Modkilled day 2]
20. KarlaKGB (Sweetie Belle Ponyville citizen)

Number of players alive: 4/20
Number of town: 4/14
Number of mafia: 4/4
Number of third party: 2/2

Blu Rose

Setup Information

MLP Mafia will be a closed setup. This means that roles and their abilities will not be disclosed on the main post, and will only be revealed upon death.

The game will begin on day 1, with 24 hour day and night phases. (So a whole day phase will take 2 days in reality.) Some posts may not arrive exactly on point, but I'll try to get posts up as soon as close as possible to the deadline.

During the day, everyone will discuss who to lynch and after a majority is reached, that player will be lynched- which means it's entirely possible for day to end before the deadline, but again, I can't guarantee I'll be able to post the instant majority is reached.

During night is when all actions are sent in by PR's (power roles), and will end by the deadline. If an action is not sent in before the deadline, you'll be forced to use "No Action". Wills are going to be used in this game, and players will have to set them during the night phase. Simply PM VillageDweller and I, entitling it "Will" and adding whatever you want in the message box.

Outside of thread communication is allowed.

General Mafia Rules

Cheating includes (but is not limited to):
Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information.
Ruining the game by doing something like handing out your mafia's member list to the town.
Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.
Posting screenshots of your inbox.
Posting or sharing any PM you receive from a host.*
Getting yourself mod killed to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip.
Signing up more than once using smurf accounts.
Offering favors/items/bells outside of the game for a ingame information.
Sharing accounts with other players.
Posting a false role PM phrased/screenshotted as if you received it from the host.*
Cheating is not tolerated here as it ruins the game for everyone. I can and will take action.

Voting once per day phase and posting in the main thread once per day phase is required. If you miss voting and/or posting once in a day phase you will be modkilled.

Play to Win​
You should try your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. However, this does not mean that you should try to win by being a jerk to the other players so they all want to quit playing. There is a fine line. If I feel as if you are not acting responsibly, I will PM you and ask you to keep your behavior in line.
This also means that you cannot leave the game without a good reason. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM me if you need to leave the game.

Editing is not allowed for any reason. Editing will result in a warning. After that, you may be mod killed, depending on what the edit was. While I ask for everybody to post as concisely as possible, post again if you have to edit anything.

Inappropriate Posts​
Mafia games can get heated, emotional, and salty. Please keep it civil and remember that what happens in Mafia should stay in Mafia. Don't let things wash over to the rest of the forum, it's just a game. DO NOT let the Salt flow through you, contrary to popular belief.

This game uses replacements. Replacements will be made in the game until Day 3. If a player is mod killed during the designated time, then they will be replaced by a player on the replacement list.*

Mod font: This is the color designated for hosts answering players questions. If everyone could refrain from using this color to avoid confusion, that would be appreciated.

Question font: This is the color designated for players asking questions regarding the game. The hosts will answer the questions in the previously mentioned mod font.

General Mafia Voting Rules:
This game will use Majority Lynch. Depending on how things go, day can end early. You may change your vote as much as you want before majority is reached and/or the 24 hours is up.
If the deadline is reached without a majority, nobody will be lynched. This is considered a Deadline No Lynch. Voting is required or you may risk mod kill, please see the Activity section under the General Mafia Rules. You may choose not to lynch, but you must make this clear (##VOTE: No Lynch).
Voting is done in a separate thread. You may announce and discuss your votes in this main thread, but only votes in the Voting thread will be counted. Do not PM me your vote.
Please vote in the following format: ##VOTE: Username. Votes not done in the correct fashion may not be counted. I will update vote counts whenever I get the chance.
If you want to change your vote, first type ##UNVOTE followed by your new vote ##VOTE: Username. You can change your vote at any time and as much as you like (within reason) up until the end of day.
No conditional voting.
You may vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game.
Voting is required on a regular basis or you may risk mod kill. Please see the Activity section under the General Mafia Rules.

If you would like access to the Observers Chat, please post "/obs" in the thread. Before you do though, I ask that you consider joining the replacements list instead. If you join the Observer Chat, you obviously cannot become a replacement later in the game if needed. You CANNOT share the chat with living players, or any information from it.

If you have not read all of the rules, go back and do so. Mafia hosts cannot compensate for individual players ignorance.

Credits: KarlaKGB because this main post template basically originates from him and VillageDweller for the banner.
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