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tarantulas and scorpions?!?!


the dodo bird girl
Apr 9, 2015
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Rose
Tasty Cake
Happy Home Designer Token
Blue Mote of Flame
Toy Hammer
I've been trying to catch these suckers for the past three hours... I never put any thought into it until i saw a scorpion on my screen and screamed at the top of my lungs, closing my ds. i re opened it a couple seconds later, and the scorpion jumped into the river, preventing me from catching it. after that i searched my town for AGES for another one or a tarantula, but i only saw one tarantula for the next three hours (which completely disappeared into mid air) and no scorpions. PLEASE help me find one before i go mad :c
Yeah, the RNG is a cruel mistress when it comes to these bugs. The only thing I can recommend is to keep your net equipped at all times and keep searching. They only show up from 7 pm to 4 am if I recall correctly, so don't bother searching outside of that time frame. Diligence!
Yeah, the RNG is a cruel mistress when it comes to these bugs. The only thing I can recommend is to keep your net equipped at all times and keep searching. They only show up from 7 pm to 4 am if I recall correctly, so don't bother searching outside of that time frame. Diligence!

I don't think keeping your net equipped is a good idea. They will just attack you then. You should have it ready to be equipped by pressing the right button so that you can quickly take your net out and sneak up on one when you find it.
Yeah, the RNG is a cruel mistress when it comes to these bugs. The only thing I can recommend is to keep your net equipped at all times and keep searching. They only show up from 7 pm to 4 am if I recall correctly, so don't bother searching outside of that time frame. Diligence!

I've been doing that, but I was reading through some other forums and seeing that they attack you when you do that. I don't know how else to keep them from jumping in the river (both the scorpion and the tarantula did that... i'm assuming on the tarantula because it went towards the river and was gone when i got there :/), because both times they jumped in i didn't have my net equipped.
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I don't think keeping your net equipped is a good idea. They will just attack you then. You should have it ready to be equipped by pressing the right button so that you can quickly take your net out and sneak up on one when you find it.

If you keep your walking speed down, you'll be fine if I recall correctly. It's better that they focus on you then moving away, potentially right into a river or lake if either happens to be nearby. But hey, whatever works for you!
save and continue, or save and quit then reload your game to refresh.

i've tried that a couple times, but i tried it near the end of my trials and gave up after like one or two saves. i'll try again ^^
I remember seeing back when AC:CF was new that the best place to find tarantulas and scorpions is in clearings, so a place without a lot of trees around. idk if this is helpful for NL, but it was for me in CF (i'm yet to catch either in NL though! but I haven't really been trying)
I remember seeing back when AC:CF was new that the best place to find tarantulas and scorpions is in clearings, so a place without a lot of trees around. idk if this is helpful for NL, but it was for me in CF (i'm yet to catch either in NL though! but I haven't really been trying)
in one area of my town I have this one spot with no trees, and that's where i saw the only tarantula. it's also easier to get attacked when there's trees and you cant really see what you're doing, so i've been avoiding those areas. I saw the scorpion in a fairly tree-less place too, but i was standing right on the edge of the river, so i'd rather not look there and risk it falling into the water :/
Look, the most efficient way is to run around with your net in your inventory, ready to be equipped, and shoo away (or catch and release) any other bug you see...
The fact is that the game can only handle a given amount of bugs in the whole map at one time... So shooing away any other bug really helps! :)
Also, play with your audio all the way up, or consider using headphones for this task, since the sound of them crawling around is very distinctive and can be heard from quite a distance.
As soon as you spot one, grab your bug net as quickly as possible and enter sneak mode (by keeping the A button pressed while holding the bug net) and get close to them... As soon as they notice your presence, they will stand perfectly still and just hiss at you, as long as you are holding your sneaking position. At that point, just get in range and go for the capture! :)

My first scorpion fell in the river, too, and on that same day I was bit by my first Tarantula. But with this method I manage to catch AT LEAST 3-4 scorpions/tarantulas each night, if I look for them hard enough!

Good luck and happy hunting!~
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Look, the most efficient way is to run around with your net in your inventory, ready to be equipped, and shoo away (or catch and release) any other bug you see...
The fact is that the game can only handle a given amount of bugs in the whole map at one time... So shooing away any other bug really helps! :)
Also, play with your audio all the way up, or consider using headphones for this task, since the sound of them crawling around is very distinctive and can be heard from quite a distance.
As soon as you spot one, grab your bug net as quickly as possible and enter sneak mode (by keeping the A button pressed while holding the bug net) and get close to them... As soon as they notice your presence, they will stand perfectly still and just hiss at you, as long as you are holding your sneaking position. At that point, just get in range and go for the capture! :)

My first scorpion fell in the river, too, and on that same day I was bit by my first Tarantula. But with this method I manage to catch AT LEAST 3-4 scorpions/tarantulas each night, if I look for them hard enough!

Good luck and happy hunting!~

Thank you!!! I'll go around using this method for sure. I'm on the verge of going crazy since it's been about four hours of me searching, i'm hoping this works!!
One more thing that I'll add is I find that the tarantula appears most often in June after midnight since not very many other bugs appear at that time. It may not do you much good if you are not willing to time travel, but if you are desperately looking for one, it is an option. Unfortunately, the scorpion does not appear in June and a lot of other bugs appear in the late hours of July through September, so it is not as useful for the scorpion.
the best place to find tarantulas and scorpions is in clearings, so a place without a lot of trees around.

I don't want to spread false information, but this seems to be true! And it also applies to AC:NL , since I mostly ever found them in clearings and empty lots. This might be something related to the algorythm that the game uses to spawn these kind of bugs in the map, but it could also be completely coincidencial..!

Thank you!!! I'll go around using this method for sure. I'm on the verge of going crazy since it's been about four hours of me searching, i'm hoping this works!!
You are welcome! Keep me posted on your progress! (;
I've caught them both in New Leaf, they are way easier to catch than in City Folk. I usually get mine around my town square. Also, keep your volume up, they make a noise when they shuffle around. They do also just disappear if you wait too long, even with no river around.
I've seen 4 tarantulas and 3 scorpions in my town this month alone. The spawn rate is much higher this year for some reason. o_O
my whole sleep pattern is messed about a bit looking for these! grr! I just have the scorpion left. I saw on a few days a go but panicked and it went in the water. Lol. tarantula was super easy as one appeared right outside my house :p Just the scorpion is left. Sigh.
Finally caught a scorpion, and saw a tarantula tonight too. It's always worth checking spots you've seen bitey bugs around before; I caught the scorpion at the same spot one got away from me last night. The game seems to like spawning them in empty spaces. Actually catching them is dependent on whether or not there are big objects in front of where they wander.
Ugh, the tarantula is the only bug I don't have and it's so elusive. It always shows up when I least expect it, and then it bites me or just jumps into the river. It's the worst.
I always run into them when I've left my net in the house. Like when I return from the island with lots of bugs and need the inventory space. So annoying!! I remember catching them both in WW. Proudest AC moment ever! 8D