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Swearing - Is it not looked down upon anymore?

I have never sweared, my friends have tried to get me into it Q////Q
I really hate it!! I think the closest I have gone is "frick."
I never swear. It just feels so wrong when I say any swear words. I don't particularly mind when other people swear, though. (I do start to mind when they use the f-word EVERYWHERE) In my native language, diseases are used to insult people (like wishing people would get cancer). That is just wrong any way you look at it. People who do this justify it by saying they don't actually mean it, but I don't know if it really works like that...
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I have no problem with those who curse, unless they swear like every other word. :L

Hi there! How the **** are you today? I hope you have have a ****ing great ****ing day! :)

I'm getting banned now :>(
I like 2 cuss its 2 cool
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I don't have a problem with cursing unless It's derogatory/racial slurs. On the topic of children swearing, I've heard even 3rd-4th graders swear. It's not all too rare, at least where I am. I curse quite a bit, but I've tried to tone it down. I remember, back in 2012-2013, every sentence that came out of my mouth included a curse word.
In the locker room there are 9-10 year old girls who swear. ALOT
And me and my friends swear less then them xD
They're just words. If they're so bad, then why are there synonyms that mean the same thing and can be used freely.

I swear constantly. It just seems more natural to me. When I was younger, I swore because my parents didn't want me to, but now they're part of my vocabulary and I use them on an everyday basis because they don't offend me. Like I said, if they're so crude and horrible, then why are substitues and synonyms acceptable?
I see swear words as just like any other word. That's what they are, they're just words being used in a dirty way, most often than not. We as a society are the ones that make them up and what purpose they serve.
Someone once told me that "swearing is for people who have a low vocabulary", and I've found that to be true quite often. Not ALL the time, but quite often.
I for example only swear on occasion, though I try to moderate it as I don't want to make a habit of it. I want to be able to express myself without having to swear. If I limit the swearing, that means I have to search for other words to express myself with. Therefore having a more vast vocabulary. But hey, this is just me and my personal preference ^.^

As for censoring, it shouldn't be a thing. Freedom of speech should always prevail no matter what. Simply put, it is up to the parents to educate their children, not everyone else. Parents are the ones that should be explaining to their kids what swear words are, and why they shouldn't be using them. Most adults don't know why, their explanation is always "because they're BAD words". I'm sorry but that's not a good enough excuse as to why your child shouldn't be using it. There's no such things as bad and good words. They're all just words that WE ourselves make bad or good.
My mom always told me what each swear word meant and why I "shouldn't" use them. She never said "can't" or that they're "bad words". She guided me and then left me to decide for myself. That's what parents should be doing, guiding and educating. The rest is up to the individual.:)
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I'm not against it, each to their own.

I don't swear much myself, because effing and jeffing in between every few words just strikes me as extra unnecessary 'fluff' when speaking. Kind of in the same boat as having a habit of saying 'like' three times in a sentence (I've known people who swear that often, just seemingly swear for the sake of it and make themselves take twice as long to say something in doing so). xD
If there's actually some reason to swear though, like something's gone bad or you're just really sodding mad, then I'd say go nuts. .. As long as you don't make a twit of yourself and I have to associate, always awkward when someone you're hanging out with completely loses it in public. P:
Honestly, since I have been in high school, Ive been bad. I say a s*** or a d*** here and there, but I dont enjoy saying those words. I use them when I am pissed off and stressed. But Im fine if others use them. Their life, not mine. I have no place judging anyone I don't know and it doesn't bother me hearing them.
I used to swear a lot in middle school and high school. After that I stopped because I didn't have anyone to talk s*** about.

Nowadays I either they f*** or s*** to myself. If someone is going to swear at me well hell you're going to get it back from me.

I don't swear around my parents. It actually bothers me sometimes when my dad swears. A few days ago he told me, "you know I've never heard you swearing". I don't swear in front of my parents because I don't feel like it's right.
Language is language and it's gonna keep evolving whether we want it to or not.
I swear quite a lot in my mind, and when i'm on my own, and i'll occasionally do it while with friends, but never consciously around other people.
I do have a problem in that when i'm hurt (e.g. stubbed a toe on something) or startled, it just comes out, and I never know what i'm gonna end up saying :/ My parents and I have a kinda mutual understanding that it's totally okay if it's accidentally and quietly
I swear, but it mostly comes out when I'm really pissed off or just accidentally hahah but now I'm trying to avoid it though

but yeah one thing I've noticed is how younger children nowadays swear and even in front of their parents and their parents don't do/say anything about it! idk man it kinda ticks me off because like. woah. come on kid you're just 8 and you're saying **ck you to someone older.... like.... man.... *grandpa voice* kids these days..
swears are just exaggerated forms of other words that express more emotion idk why it should be so looked down upon

As for censoring, it shouldn't be a thing. Freedom of speech should always prevail no matter what. Simply put, it is up to the parents to educate their children, not everyone else. Parents are the ones that should be explaining to their kids what swear words are, and why they shouldn't be using them. Most adults don't know why, their explanation is always "because they're BAD words". I'm sorry but that's not a good enough excuse as to why your child shouldn't be using it. There's no such things as bad and good words. They're all just words that WE ourselves make bad or good.
My mom always told me what each swear word meant and why I "shouldn't" use them. She never said "can't" or that they're "bad words". She guided me and then left me to decide for myself. That's what parents should be doing, guiding and educating. The rest is up to the individual.:)

Freedom of speech doesn't exist.
Words will always be words. So why should 'swear words' be censored and looked down on? :/

Usually my swearing doesn't verbally harm anyone, it'll kind of put a step of humour into some of what I say. For example, there's this random person who would always come to our form class door and peep in, as well as play music from his laptop. So I'd yell out "TURN THAT **** OFF" and even though one of my friends disapproves of me swearing, she still laughs along, as well as my other friends.

But if someone is going to put a swear word in every sentence that they're going to say, then they're kind of a try hard ****. there are so many in my school jfc