smugs are way more common than uchis and i hate it: a novel


icon: mayor maker by kyoosh
Oct 22, 2015
Yellow Lily
Yellow Violet
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Orange (Fruit)
so smug and uchi were both introduced in new leaf, but for some dumb reason there's 10 more smugs than uchis (31 to 21).
not only that, but smugs seem more likely to randomly move into my town. i've had at least 5 random move-ins be smugs (and 1 smug camper who moved in) and only 1 random uchi move-in (and i've also had an uchi camper at one point).

the smug villagers that have lived in my town are zell, o'hare, chops, lucha, jacques, and marshal, and that's just off the top of my head.
the uchi villagers that have lived in my town are sylvia and tammy, and tammy was intentionally adopted.
along with that, each species usually has only 1 uchi villager, if they have any at all. there's only 3 species (bears, deer and sheep) with 2. and i know not every species has a smug villager either, but some species have up to 3.
and a lot of smug villagers are quite popular, including pietro, marshal, julian and i think o'hare. but with uchis, most of them are super hated by the community, with the possible exceptions of phoebe, muffy and mira.

smug villagers are definitely not the most common villagers but they're way more common than uchis and i don't like it. i love the uchi personality and i demand more uchi villagers in the next game.

sorry this was kind of a rant
*feels your pain* I'm hoping for more uchis, too. I think the reason why people dislike them is mainly their designs. Most of them like Katt and Hazel don't look that appealing, so they're not wanted as much as smugs or other personality types. It's kinda sad, since uchis are a totally unique and cool personality. Hope they get more of a boost in popularity in the future.
I really like Uchis and i really REALLY don't like any of the smugs. I want to have a villager of each personality but I have the hardest time finding a smug that I like. I have Marshal right now but only because he's the only smug I can deal with. I find their personality kinda creepy to be honest.
So I agree that there should indeed be more uchis, although I like quite a few of the existing ones.
I agree completely. I had such a hard time deciding on a good uchi villager for my town (plot resetting lol). I finally settled with either Phoebe, Mira, or Cherry and got Phoebe. Meanwhile, there are too many cool/cute smug villagers like Marshal, O'Hare, Julian, Zell, Kyle, etc.
Personally, I love both and have them in all my six towns.
I really like both personalities, I just wish there were different neighbors in their personalities -.-
Yeah, I also don't get the hate for Uchis. I think they're so much fun to have! I do agree there should have more to choose from. I don't like the Smugs as much. :/
I'm lucky to have an uchi in my dream villager list for my town. I am just waiting for a space to open up for her so I can adopt her from my cycling/holding town. I don't really like her skin color but I'm sure I'll grow to like it once I have her in my main town. Ironically I'm also waiting for a space to open for my smug villager too.
I just wish their designs were more attractive! Most Uchis look really disturbing or creepy to me... But I'd love some more in the next game! The personality is so fun, and its such a shame that smugs outshine them.
No hate for uchis here (go crankys!). Hazel, Katt, and Frita are three of my personal faves. But I believe you're right; the uchi designs (with some exceptions) aren't notably cute.