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Should i use paths?

Mr Coffee

Senior Member
Mar 23, 2014
Hi Guys.I am wondering if i should use paths for my next town.It's not like i hate it or anything.I want to hear veryone's opion on paths.If more people say yes,then yes.If more people say no,then no.Should i do it?
depends on the look you're going for.
if you don't want dirt paths then by all means. if you want your grass to stay nice, then go ahead, but make sure to use a pattern that goes well with your town.
i personally don't use paths because it's too complicated and takes too much time, plus i use dirt paths instead. really depends.
I like towns with some kind of path personally. I judge a town by the types of paths it uses when I wake up from a dream after all.
I think it's a personal choice. on tumblr, I know paths are super popular but it results in towns that all look the same and a lot of people don't utilize paths properly.

I personally use one brick path that I made myself and that's it. I like it cause it adds a bit of structure to my town but I've seen some really nice natural dirt paths so I may incorporate that into wooded areas.

again, it's your choice and if you go with paths and decide you don't like it, it's easy enough to change it (though maybe a bit time consuming)
I don't like most paths, they are too fancy.
But the ones I have in my town right now are my favorite.
I have been laying down paths in my town but now I don't like them. I'm either going to take them out or find a dirt path or another cherry blossom one. Some of the paths in my town looks horrible because it's on a rounded corner or hanging over the river/cliff.
I currently have paths in my town. It helps me keep things organized. Plus, it hides the terrible looking grass-wear. ^^
Even if you end up getting rid of them, they're still a nice way to organize and plan out your town when you first start! ^^
I'd go with paths, even if it's just a simple one.
I personally use paths because my grass wear was becoming too random without a clear guideline for me, and it adds some more color to my town.
Natural/dirt trails can be very beautiful though! I think a lot of people on here are going to prefer custom paths because it allows you to customize the whole feel of your town more, and it's easier than getting and maintaining dirt paths in the right places. But I think both are really good.
Ultimately, it depends on what you like and the feel you are going for!
I like paths, they give some sort of structure to a town.
I also judge towns on how well used the paths are to organize the town.

They can look really nice but they can also look really tacky so it might take a while or sort out.
i would but it takes a while though. axes break. so you should get golden axe LOL xd
They can look good if you use them right. Personally, I think paths can look tacky and horrible if you're just slapping them all over your town messily.
Yes and no. I think paths are helpful when planning where to put pwp's but I hate that they disappear easy and that fruit disappear when they land on a path. For now I think I'll keep my paths but I may change that when I find another way of reaching that 'sturctured llok' that paths give a town.