Send help pls, need furniture ideas!


Canadian at heart 💜🇨🇦
Oct 30, 2011
Blue Hybrid Violet
Purple Hybrid Rose
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Blue Hybrid Rose
Purple Violet
Cool Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Blue Feather
Purple Feather
Okay so I've decided to make my final room a N64 theme (what a shocker I know) but I was wondering if there is any good furniture to customize so the design is nice and big on them? My best bet atm is the cabin series but I rly don't want that messy wood stuff that you get with the furniture.

Any suggestions? Thanks!
:/ really wish they never removed the 64 logo (GCN as well~)
Maybe furniture from the Villager's rv?

I mean like an entire set like the green set, blue set, cabin set, etc. and the ones I just listed (except cabin) aren't very customizeable with designs so I'm looking for suggestions!

Maybe someone could link me to pictures of furniture that can be customized with designs? that would be a huge help!!
The alpine set is very customizable. I think nearly every piece has a pattern on it that can be changed, so at might be a good option for you.
The alpine set is very good to customize as every piece has a cloth pattern. Another option is the kiddie set as the colors match the N64 logo and buttons and you can customize the cloth on the chair cushions and bed.
The alpine set is very customizable. I think nearly every piece has a pattern on it that can be changed, so at might be a good option for you.

With the alpine set, is it possible to replace all of the fabric parts of the furniture with designs? If so then that sounds like a fantastic idea! ^o^