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Senior Member
Jun 23, 2013
Is it just me, or is the ACNL community on here getting ruder by the day? Every thread I see someone is starting an argument or being generally ignorant and rude, it's upsetting. TBT is not Tumblr. We are not usually rude and abusive but I see it going that way.
I think making a thread about this subject is just asking for another argument, to be honest. Be careful. This is the internet. People will never get along here. ;D
I think making a thread about this subject is just asking for another argument, to be honest. Be careful. This is the internet. People will never get along here. ;D

I see how it can look like that haha. I just wanted to address the problem in a calm way. I know no one will always get along but plain selfish rudeness is something that I haven't seen before now.
People are people, we can't change that fact :c
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. There will be some rude people out there, but there are way more generous, laid back, and kind people on TBT. Especially with how much this game has to offer (priorities, villagers, cycling, bells, items, and being connected to people all over the world) I'm surprised there isn't more arguing out there!

We tend to defend our opinions and it may seem rude to those who see a completely different side to the story. I try to avoid the rude posts. Most of the threads I've seen with rude things in it most people tend to skip over it and continue on with their conversation.
I haven't seen anybody on here being particularly rude. I think a big problem with communication via the internet is that it takes the tone away from it, as opposed to hearing somebody actually say the words they're posting. Many people try just "bearing it all" in a sense, as in they post things that they are inspired/emotionally stirred by, and so they are really only looking for people to share their sentiment. Posting things on a forum such as this opens up your thoughts and opinions to criticism, though, even negative types of criticism. Though I usually only see constructive criticism on these forums (until the subject of TT comes up :rolleyes: ), I can see why some people would interpret this kind of criticism as rudeness. It's hard to look without emotional bias at a person's view that is matched up against yours and not see how it could be construed as any kind of rudeness. Just have to remember it's just the internet and you can't please everybody. :)
I've never seen anyone acting rude around here. I have seen loads of people on here who are so easily offended though. Every day I see people being called out because they are supposedly rude, but I usually don't see the problem. Everyone's entitled to have their own opinion and some people are more blunt than others, big deal.
You're opinions are all very reasonable. Although I have noticed little things like for example, someone posted a thread yesterday how they were happy about someone in their campsite. Instead of saying 'That's great! However, this topic shouldn't really be here, sorry' The girl got 'Yeah uhh thanks for sharing?' And I just thought that was unnecessary.
You're opinions are all very reasonable. Although I have noticed little things like for example, someone posted a thread yesterday how they were happy about someone in their campsite. Instead of saying 'That's great! However, this topic shouldn't really be here, sorry' The girl got 'Yeah uhh thanks for sharing?' And I just thought that was unnecessary.

Yeah. I was disappointed of the people there shunning each other down, they couldv'e addressed the problem much more politely.
Yeah, if you're going to spend your time on forums, reading other people's posts, then you should definitely be respectful. People come here to post about their journey and experiences, whether it's something extremely tough to accomplish or something little that their proud of. No reason we should turn them down and take that away from them.
Well, sure, it could have been said more politely, but I still get the idea behind their post. Imagine everyone posting threads such as:
YAY! Villager X is in my campsite!
YAY! Villager X is having their birthday!
BOO! :( Villager X ruined my paths!
That would be so annoying. In fact I already get annoyed by these threads but I refrain from actually posting in them, and try to ignore them.
This isn't really discussion of the game, just the community. There really isn't anything we can do to 'make' people play nice when it comes to individuals. We have a wide base of people that post here from a bunch of different places, and though some can be rude or condescending, people are entitled to their own opinion. However, if something is posted that just goes too far, the correct way to respond is to not feed into it and let a moderator know by reporting the post. We might not have much control over what others say or how they act, but we do have a policy that generally prohibits such behavior in regards to other people.
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