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Wind Waker Fan
Nov 11, 2013
Orange (Fruit)
Small Mailbox
I really just want to rant about this.

About 2 weeks ago, my friend PuffleKirby21 had his town deleted. When he asked for help, he got bashed with rude comments about how nobody was going to help him because he ASKED for help. Really? REALLY?That is just... URGH! So just because, I went over the internet looking for threads (mostly on Bell Tree) of ANYBODY else having their town deleted. I'll put the websites at the bottom of the post. But guess what I found. No matter WHAT the situation or if they ASKED or NOT, I only found 1 rude comment throughout all of the threads. WHY? Why were people so rude to PuffleKirby? JUST WHY?:mad:

PuffleKirby21's Thread
Other Threads:
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Seriously, don't bring things up like this again. It's over. The person learned their lesson.

People were 'rude' because he asked for the help he was going to be given. He knew people would help and asked for it.

I'm gonna get a mod/admin to close this now because this was in the past and should not be brought back up.
Seriously, don't bring things up like this again. It's over. The person learned their lesson.

People were 'rude' because he asked for the help he was going to be given. He knew people would help and asked for it.

I'm gonna get a mod/admin to close this now because this was in the past and should not be brought back up.

Again, what is the problem with ASKING for help?!?!
I think it's because of the way he asked, I don't know.
I've also noticed how lots of people said that you shouldn't ask yourself, but have people help you out if they want to.

That's what I gathered from his thread.
Seriously, don't bring things up like this again. It's over. The person learned their lesson.

People were 'rude' because he asked for the help he was going to be given. He knew people would help and asked for it.

I'm gonna get a mod/admin to close this now because this was in the past and should not be brought back up.

I agree with this

C'mon guy's , This happened ages ago , No need to bring up the past when it's over.
Seriously, don't bring things up like this again. It's over. The person learned their lesson.

People were 'rude' because he asked for the help he was going to be given. He knew people would help and asked for it.

I'm gonna get a mod/admin to close this now because this was in the past and should not be brought back up.

Yes. The issue was in the past. It's over now, and he learned his lesson.
But why is it that when HE asked, he was called a beggar, but when anybody else asks, it's completely fine?

To answer your question again, it was the way he asked. In fact, when other people have lost their towns, they don't ask. Like other's have said, asking sounds like begging and begging is annoying, especially since he should know that help is on the way from many generous forum users. Now please let it go. Bringing it up 1.75 weeks later won't do any better.
I don't know if this will give you closure. But it was just the way he asked. It just rubbed people the wrong way, that's all.
To answer your question again, it was the way he asked. In fact, when other people have lost their towns, they don't ask. Like other's have said, asking sounds like begging and begging is annoying, especially since he should know that help is on the way from many generous forum users. Now please let it go. Bringing it up 1.75 weeks later won't do any better.

Why should it matter HOW he asked? I think that people aren't paying attention to my point. You don't HAVE to help, but why do you have to say rude things after something bad just happened to them?
Why should it matter HOW he asked? I think that people aren't paying attention to my point. You don't HAVE to help, but why do you have to say rude things after something bad just happened to them?

I agree. People were being unnecessarily rude to him.
This is all in the past, though. This thread needs to be closed before a fight breaks out.
Why should it matter HOW he asked? I think that people aren't paying attention to my point. You don't HAVE to help, but why do you have to say rude things after something bad just happened to them?

2 students are stuck on schoolwork. You are the teacher.
Person 1: Miss, please may you help me?
Person 2: Misssss! Help me because I'm stuck!

Who would YOU choose?
It MATTERS how you ask.

Anyway, I'm stopping. I guess this has nothing to do with me.
I'll just put my two cents in before the thread closes and say that, from experience being an outcast and thrown under a rock my whole life, PK21 probably just didn't know any better.

There are people out there who're not told how to act and expected to act that way anyway. I am one of them; I feel for the kid. He asked in a way which he thought polite and fitting, and probably asked that way because he didn't know people were going to help him. Well, then a bunch of people who knew how to act come along, expecting PK21 to know the same thing, and started insulting him and refusing to help because he ASKED for help.

You people keep saying that he shouldn't have asked because "he knew he was going to get help". Well, WHAT IF HE DIDN'T KNOW?! You can't just assume that he knows something that you do just because it's common sense to you! That's how I've been treated my whole life... I don't get why people act this way. You don't fight fire with fire, folks; you toss water its way so it burns out.
You can ask for help but whether someone gives it to you or not, is up to them. However, if you don't want to offer help it's best to just not post. If you have a problem about anything please just PM one of the Staff or use the report on Rude posts.

Closing thread for fighting. If you have a problem or questions I urge you to PM me about it!
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