Giveaway [Raffle] Sweets Set/Notebook Set!

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Senior Member
Jun 5, 2018
Special Snowflake
Holiday Candy Cane 2018
100% (189) +
Hello, hello! I've decided that I'm going to host a giveaway inspired by the ones that fellow member Valzed does! I'm deciding to give away two sets this time! The first is Gracie's Sweets set, and second is the Notebook set (it doesn't have a name, I just call it that) that can only be obtained through Japanese DLC. If you don't know what that is, you can find it here

So, here's the gist of it!
-The giveaway will last a week. It will end at 2:00 PM ET, and I will PM the winners as well as announcing them on here.
-You may enter to win both sets, but you will not win both of them. If I happen to pick you for both sets, you can choose which one you'd like, and I'll pick a different winner for the other one.
-Entry is completely free!
-I have sort of a "secret code" to enter. To enter for the Sweets set, mention your favorite villager in your comment! To enter for the notebook set, mention what your favorite school subject was/is in your comment!

Good luck and thanks for reading!
Hey I'd like to enter!!
So, my favorite villager is Lopez. He reminds me of my friends in real life, haha!
Also, my favorite class in high school was oceanography. It's still my favorite subject in college - my major is Marine Sciences haha!
My favourite villager is probably Molly, and my favourite subject is German! c:
Hello! I would like to enter!
My favourite villager is Wolfgang, I guess haha. I have so many villagers I adore but Wolfgang kinda reigns at the top.
Also, my favourite subject in school was English :)

Thank you’
Hey hey! I’ll enter!
My favourite villager is Kody, and my favourite subject is art! :3
Count me in!! Favourite Villager is Beau and Favourite Subject is Accounting LOL <3
How fun! Fauna has always had my heart <3
oooh, i'd like to enter! choosing a favorite is so hard...i think i have to pick pango. and my favorite school subject in high school was world mythology!
Hey! Sign me in! my fave villager of them all has to be stitches, and i really really like chemistry! ^^
oo, thanks for the opportunity! my favorite villager is lucky, & in school i liked cosmetology :p
This is cool! My favorite subject back in high school was probably one of my history classes, but I can’t really choose between US and Global. As for villager, I think I’ll have to go with Eugene!
I'd love to enter, my favourite villager is Wolfgang and my favourite subject in school is probably either music or citizenship.
I would like to enter! My Favorite Villager is either Static, W. Link, or Alfonso. And my favorite subject is science and math!

I love the 2 set giveaway idea! (I may have to steal it from you if you don't mind. lol) Thank you for hosting this!

Waaaaaay back in ye olden days of the 1990s when I attended college my favorite class was Computer Sciences.
Hi! I was just wondering if the winners have been notified yet. Thank you!
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