PWP question

Original bridges do not, things like the dreamsuite, and museum upgrade don't! c: not sure which ones specifically D:
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I believe all the permanent structures don't count towards the total, like the campsite, Dream Suite, etc. Originally, your first bridge didn't count either, but recently I heard that Nintendo patched it so that it also counts towards the 30. Not sure if that is true though.

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What are original bridges? :confused:

The first bridge in your town that you didn't build.
I hope Nintendo didn't patch it that way. It's be a bit dumb to allow 31 PWP and remove 1 from the limit. Would make more sense for them to patch it to raise the limit to 30. But I'm pretty sure this didn't happen anyway as there haven't been any updates to the game excepting the fixes before it even released here.

But yeah, all the main street buildings, the town hall/station remodels, police station, cafe and campsite do not count towards your 30 limit. And if you keep the bridge you started with it is a free PWP, once deleted then the replacement will count. (ie if you build 30 PWP and keep your 1st bridge then delete it you won't be able to replace it at all!)
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