Pre-Order Query


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2007
Yellow Pansy
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
I understand that the final decision would be down to me, but I am posting this topic to ask for opinions on whether I should preorder the game Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition.
I have seen it for ?24.99 and it does look like a worthwhile game to add to my collection.

But I am on the fence about it right now.
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You could just wait until it's closer to release or after it is released, read a few reviews, and watch some YouTube videos on it. Make your decision then, and buy it if you do like it.
Yes, unless the preorder comes with really good physical things or free dlc or such I'd wait.

(Not really. Wait and see if they offer anything to make it worth pre-ordering.)
I'd look up some Puzzle Dragons gameplay videos from their previous games to get an idea of what they will be like.

You're already getting a pretty big deal in the fact that you're getting two full games together for almost half the price of one, but if you pre-order now and they have any pre-order bonus things added later(I doubt this though, they're treating this more like an indie game than anything) you can probably just upgrade/have them add the bonus things to your pre-order.

To give you an idea though, the games are sort of like Pokemon Shuffle but in the Puzzle game you can upgrade your characters instead of just "catching" better ones.(also it hopefully won't have all the microtransaction bs)
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