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Playing to help with anxiety?

I have severe social phobia in real life,playing helps other people but sadly not me.
This is a really lovely thread.

I played ACNL a few years ago, and then sort of stopped, but I picked it up again shortly after I started getting treated for anxiety and depression. I had a really bad breakup and a period of unemployment and was feeling really worthless and isolated, and my mum told me to try doing some things I used to enjoy. I was really anxious about picking up ACNL again because I was worried that if I opened my game, everything would be awful; my villagers would have all moved, and the town would be overrun with weeds and I said "what if I check and my town's all ruined?" and my mum said "then you rebuild it".

And I did. It wasn't the wreck I was worried it would be (well done, past-Knopekin, putting the beautiful ordinance in effect), but I've really enjoyed building my town into something I'm proud of. Video gaming used to be one of my biggest hobbies, and I don't play games so much anymore out of a fear of failure, and I love how Animal Crossing is basically impossible to be bad at. It's just relaxing, and it's really helped a lot.
I don't feel like I have any real friends except for my bf. I have a hard time dealing with people in general. I guess I'm too sensitive or insecure. But playing animal crossing and talking to the villagers does make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. As others have mentioned, I like how they're always nice to me.

If I'm feeling really terrible though I can't do anything, not even play ac.
Most of my friends live very far away from me, so playing ACNL definitely fills the void of not being able to see them all (especially my best friend). And I've also dealt with anxiety and a mild case of depression and ACNL has definitely helped me in times where I'm feeling panicky or depressed. I think it's wonderful that this game has helped so many people like myself with mental illness. :)

I wish you all the best.
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AC helps tremendously, it's a very soothing and amazingly distracting game. Something about the music, holidays, conversations with villagers, grabbing a cup of coffee and designing my house, it establishes some kind of routine or normalcy with me when my life is not really that way.

When I feel like I can't accomplish anything it helps me set small goals for myself. Cycling keeps me busy also, if I get tired with playing my town. I've met lovely people through playing it as well, which really helps in a point of my life where I dislike my entire group of friends and become more anti social (or at least avoidant of them) everyday. I didn't do anything on Halloween, because I didn't want to get drunk with people I don't even like. I seriously would choose AC-Halloween (and buying spoopy collectibles) over that any day, but if I wasn't keeping myself busy I think I'd be really upset about it.

It just really distracts me from being unmotivated to do anything and it's also like a shoulder to lean on. The day after my boyfriend and I broke up, it seriously made me cry when Chief sent me a letter saying something like "Thinking of you, hope you're doing okay" and don't even get me started on all the Mom letters.....
I am formally diagnosed with depression and anxiety and PMDD, and I'm undergoing testing for high functioning autism. I love games like the Sims, Pokemon, and Animal Crossing. I can control everything. I can go over the top and have fun with it, or I can be relaxed and get things done while taking it easy. I can socialize with characters without dealing with anxiety, I can make a perfect version of my character, or I can scrap everything and start over. Or, in the case of the Sims, I can go on a killing spree.

Easy-going RPG life simulation games are very helpful with my mental disorders.
I have GAD and MDD, and while I didn't start playing animal crossing because of those disorders, I definitely feel that it's something that seems to help me cope with them. I feel really at peace whenever I can find a time to just lounge around for an hour or so to work on my towns. That being said, it's only a coping mechanism. Like with most games, it's just a form of escapism. So while it may make me feel better while I'm playing the game at the time, it's never going to change the fact that I have those disorders, and that I'll continue to struggle with them. Fortunately, I'm not playing AC with the expectation that it will solve any of my real-life problems. It's just a game in the end. Nothing wrong with that.
acnl can be good to bridge troubled times and bring you to the ground and make you calm again so you can try and deal with your situation from an easier start point. it can be very relaxing and as said calming. you just have to be careful to take breaks if you notice getting addicted, the constant trying to prevent villagers from moving out can cause abandonment issues and add stress, as can the obsessive furniture hunting and making everything perfect ^^, which won't help with your anxiety. i guess acnl shouldnt be your only solution to dealing with anxiety, but yeah i guess can give some momentary peace? idk that peace can become addicting too tho!
that being said the music and environment is really beautiful to experience.
if you approach it in a more relaxed way and aren't obsessing over logging in everyday to keep your fave villagers in your town it can be a lot of fun. there's lots of nice people here too to interact with which makes it more interesting too, it's all very relaxed.
i got to a point where i only logged in to keep them from moving out, which just didnt leave much space for having fun interactions or calm moments, so i reduced playtime and hardly play anymore (atm with hhd out anyway). i only played a lot for like 2-3 months tho. i sometimes have the title screen open tho, watching the camera pan over the town and see them walking around ^^ and listen to the background music while doing other stuff. that's still relaxing.
I will say it's nice to hit Wart Jr. with a net a lot after a long, rough day.
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It definitely helps me deal with depression and loneliness. I don't have a whole lot of friends right now. (Just the season of life I'm in.) The creator of the game actually came up with the idea, because he was lonely on business trips.
It definitely helps me deal with depression and loneliness. I don't have a whole lot of friends right now. (Just the season of life I'm in.) The creator of the game actually came up with the idea, because he was lonely on business trips.

Really? I didn't know that but that's pretty interesting.
I have depression and anxiety, though I have had a hard time staying into New Leaf for long enough. I'm hoping that with my new approach, I can stay into it. it does chill me out and put me in a good mood when I play, though. so I guess it helps a bit. but other things help more.
I had never played AC before and recently started playing NL because it looked really cute, but also because I wondered if it might help my mental illnesses. I have multiple conditions, and it's embarrassing to list them all, but I have found it is great for helping me cope with mental illness, especially my anxiety disorders. I play it while having one of my favourite TV shows that I've seen dozens of times play on Netflix in the background (currently I've been going through House episodes).

I've only been playing it a week or so but it's had a really positive effect on my anxiety. It is very calming. It has also helped my depression some (I have Schizoaffective Disorder, and was showing signs of entering into a depressive episode).

It's generally made me feel a lot better, but I haven't been able to exactly pinpoint why yet. I guess it also helps because I'm on disability and don't go to school (I dropped out years ago) so it's a way for me to spend time doing something, and it's not too labor intensive. I have ADHD and can also be kind of lazy at times, so that's always been an obstacle for me with certain types of video games. NL seems to have the right balance for my ADHD. It's not too laid back, but it's not too intense. I'm not sure if that makes sense.

I would elaborate more but since I'm new to the game and this forum (obviously), I'm kind of anxious about posting.
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It may not help me,but I'm glad that it helps so many others.Loneliness,anxiety and depression are extremely hard to live with.
i really like animal crossing because i'm not the most social person and i really like to connect with my villagers. it also helps me when im stressed out. it also occasionally helps with my depression :)
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I love reading all your responses in my thread. It's nice to not feel so alone in the fact that playing AC has helped with your illnesses as well. Of course I wish we could all be illness free, but since it doesn't always work that way it's still nice to not deal alone.