Place your random thoughts.

I have made the ultimate discovery... A living banana!


Originally found this on the Flight Rising forums. I find it interesting just how much this eel resembles one. It's at the perfect stage of ripeness as well.

it looks rank but cute
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You know, when you cheat it’s kind of a slap to the face to people who DIDN’T cheat. You’re getting a diploma you did not earn. Congrats kid.
My best friend from high school just texted me. We haven't had contact since last summer...wonder if we'll re-connect this summer.
Someone was kind to me tonight and I was watching an anime I haven’t watched, and I kind of just realized how beautiful life is. It made me start caring again, and also shed a couple tears. I kind of just need someone or something to hug please. :( ;_;
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I'm trying not to go on Twitter for the next week because I know all it'll do is piss me off, and yet, I've opened the Twitter app twice in the last few days without thinking about it. I may or may not have a problem.
Should I restart Platinum or Black 2 :confused:
I have made the ultimate discovery... A living banana!


Originally found this on the Flight Rising forums. I find it interesting just how much this eel resembles one. It's at the perfect stage of ripeness as well.
Can it sing peanut butter jelly time?
I'm trying not to go on Twitter for the next week because I know all it'll do is piss me off, and yet, I've opened the Twitter app twice in the last few days without thinking about it. I may or may not have a problem.

Try cutting back at first. Just get on it a little less every day till you?re weaned
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