Place your random thoughts.

wot they made bayo for pc i need.

also can someone just clog down a billion sleeping pills in me ive been like 6 hours trying to figure out the mirror jksdhdsjkf
Mom giving the most **** reasons to go there today although she knows I can't really handle it well tyvm *****
my cat has been meowing for days for me to open my window. I haven't because I was waiting for all the smoke to clear out of town. now that I've finally opened it, he isn't near it nor is he interested in being in it. why are cats like this lmao
Didn't realise how bad my eyesight was until I got glasses a few days ago...
Man I hope I can nab a glam feather from the restock leftovers, I have such a good fall lineup in mind.
My niece is 10 years old tomorrow I'm crying T___T

also the cord to my drawing tablet looks like something tried to take a tiny bite out of it ( I have no idea what happened) and it's in a not-wholly functioning state because of it so I'm crying about that too!
Slept good but still having too much **** to deal with yeah doesn't make up for it...

Also ugh I highly doubt he suddenly started acting "nice" to you and I kinda want an explanation on this... -.-