Place your random thoughts.

Lu?s C?lia is freaking awesome.. totally wish he'd perform live again hnng totally born in the wrong era.
I want to improve my drawing skills but I'm always terrified to begin. I also feel like if I were to post my work on here I would be ignored due to art style.
I want to improve my drawing skills but I'm always terrified to begin. I also feel like if I were to post my work on here I would be ignored due to art style.

Tina, please look at my horrendous art shop, horrible style, crappy lines, all done with a mouse on MSPaint, and people eat them up. No matter your style everyone would LOVE to see it! And the only way to improve is through practice so just keep doing it! <3
I'm so thirsty for drama....gonna make a bunch of threads to make people mad and then when people get all mad I'll be like: "I was just trolling, hahahhaha, lollolol ROFLcoptor".

Just kidding, I'm a saint. :blush:
Tina, please look at my horrendous art shop, horrible style, crappy lines, all done with a mouse on MSPaint, and people eat them up. No matter your style everyone would LOVE to see it! And the only way to improve is through practice so just keep doing it! <3

This so much, plus Kaydee is really skilled with just that too in my opinion.

I kinda want to start my turt drawings up again but busy real life bleh.
Tina, please look at my horrendous art shop, horrible style, crappy lines, all done with a mouse on MSPaint, and people eat them up. No matter your style everyone would LOVE to see it! And the only way to improve is through practice so just keep doing it! <3

Thanks for this. I actually sat down for an hour and worked on something. It's awful but I at least did something!!
I think voices and accents are really interesting and I'd love to make a thread for people to post audio clips of them speaking but I'm not really sure what the premise should be. The easy answer would be for everyone to just read out that accent challenge thing but I feel like that's so overdone at this point :(
I didn't know about the Bell Tree Choice awards until now, haha. I'd never win anything because I'm so irrelevant on here.
wee my stuff is almost here better start on le demo :D not that the ash greninja is any good but still mangoes.