Place your random thoughts.

ngl that thread with the bodybuilders arguing over how many days there are in a week is one of my favorite things in the world
It's almost Chinese New Year and I'm excited. :D Food, family, red envelopes. . .pure bliss.
I should bring my NES to my dorm when I go back. I could be the ultimate nerd lol
Also is it worth walking out in the freezing snow to start my pokestop streak again? Prob not but I'm still gonna do it :p
my new schedule for school is actually pretty good.. i only don’t have friends in 1 class
lol was that necessary and yes we needed to be two on that because i didn't know how it worked and i asked for help because of that and okay apparently i can't stretch my back either -_-
The thing I like about being a collector of old/outdated technology (such as VHS tapes) is that they're so cheap! I can get Back to the Future, which is my favorite 80's movie, factory sealed on VHS for, like, less than $5!!
I've been waiting for an art piece from 2 different people for well over a month now. Both haven't filled any orders before mine either. Like, what do I say/do I even say something?