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Paranormal experiences


Nov 9, 2013
Orange Candy
Blue Candy
Purple Candy
Red Candy
I love these threads but they always seem to get lost, so I am making a new one!

Please share your paranormal experiences, I would love to read them :D
Its not much but:
When i was around two years old, I was playing around on the couch, like your average toddler. I fell off, and my head was heading towards the corner of the coffee table. My dad walked in just around then, and he saw me just get pushed to the side, like an invisible hand. We believe it was an angel c:
Also my dad says when he was a teenager, he saw a ufo. I believe all this kind of stuff. Aliens, ufos, secret societies, that kind of stuff.
Nothing significant.
Just the feels a tap and the shoulder, and no one is there. Also i feel pokes on my butt sometimes when im alone.
The legend says that once every 1000 years teachers don't put homework to their students.

This happened to me.

I couldn't believe it I swear.

Paranormal af, right?
i've never experienced one myself that i know of, but my kid brother, when he was really little, used to complain about an old man in his bedroom when nobody was there. and it wasn't just complaining, like he'd be completely SCARED to be in there alone. that was when he was like 3 and 4 (so like 7 years ago), and eventually he just stopped talking about it. he's still scared to sleep in his room but i don't think that has anything to do with the old man he saw; i think it's an excuse because he wants to sleep in my parents' bed.
Hmm, there was this one time when I was sick my mom put an air bed in the living room downstairs by the dinner table. So I pretty much spent most of my time there sleeping and trying to get better, and there was this one night it was snowing and super stormy out and I kept hearing noises in the basement and thought it was just my dad in the basement watching a movie or something. The next morning I asked my mom if dad was in the basement last night and she said he left before it was dark yesterday.. I swear my house is haunted, but I was sick so that might've played a roll
My friend used to live out in the middle of nowhere, it was this long stretch of road with big empty farm fields and then basically a forest for miles. Her grandma had a nice piece of property and it had a nice sized house on it and no neighbors for quite a ways down the road either way, she lived in the foresty bit and it always just felt creepy there. Thankfully creepy is my fave.

My friend's old room, that was now her sister's room was the spookiest, it had a deep closet that noises often came from, which was weird cause the closet shared a wall with the other room and nothing happened in the other room... other things often moved around the room during the night when everyone was sleeping, electronics would go off, be drained of batteries constantly, and my friends sister who had the room never slept in the room, she would either sleep with her parents or in the living room on the couch, even after she was like 12-13.

In the back property her grandma had hoarded stuff for years, there was around 15 cars on the property, most of them wrecked, smashed, or completely covered in bullet holes... spider webs filling them. There were several open garages and awnings with stuff just piled and spilling out of them, there were actually some neat antiques but the brush was so high and there were so many snakes and spiders out there that the stuff hadn't been touched in years. It basically looked like scenery from the Hills Have Eyes out there, like a mutant was going to come over the hill at any moment through the trees... Also out there was I guess what used to be my friend's house when she was a toddler, it was missing the whole front half and was just open, there were lots of old toys and leaves and dead things strewn about on the floor of what I am guessing used to be the living room. The house was about 2 feet off the ground. Once we went into the house and went down the hallway, there was a bathroom with the door closed, an empty smaller room that was dark and empty and a big room that used to be her parents with lots of stuff on the ground, mostly garbage but we were kicking through it and found like an old porno which was funny, and more toys and stuff from when she was little, while we were in there we heard a noise in the house but dismissed it, but then we heard what I can only describe as the noise a dog makes when it gets up and shakes, we ran out of the backroom and the door slammed shut behind us and we heard another weird noise and we sprinted towards the house without looking back... it was really creepy...

Another time we were sitting out on her porch which looked out into the forest and we used her phone flashlight to go to the trampoline that was right in front of her house, while we walked over we saw eyes reflecting out in the trees that were too far off the ground to be anything normal... like I am talking a good 5 feet off the ground, and they were too far apart and large to be from like a raccoon in a tree or something. Her dad also said he had let the dogs out to go to the bathroom one night when the porch light was broken and he heard the dogs barking and growling and he opened the door and there was something on all fours that was black on the first step of the porch like it was about to go up, he said it was almost as tall as him and he's a good 6 feet at least, the dogs ran inside when he opened the door and then he shut the door quickly behind them and locked it and heard whatever it was taking off into the wood, he heard it running, through the door, it was THAT heavy... He ran to the window but it was too dark to see outside cause it was like 2-3 in the morning or so...

A lot of weird things used to happen out at that house, another time my friend and I were home alone cause he parents had gone to the casino so we were hanging out and then we saw what looked like a ceiling light of a car sitting out on her property in front of the house, it was too far away for us to see exactly what it was, but we swore it looked like a car light as if someone was sitting out there on the property. The car also had to have been black for it to not show from where it was, and all of her parents cars were blue, and they weren't home, and she didn't know anybody that had a black car, it looked like a bigger car like a SUV or something but we weren't about to go outside or anything, we called her parents a million times, then her uncle to see if he'd had come out cause he had a bigger car and would sometimes show up, but he said he was a few towns away at home, and then we called my mom to come out to scare them off. It was a few minutes before my mom came that the light turned off, but we didn't hear a car leave or anything, she said she didn't see any other cars on the road, cause it was like 11-12 at night and got mad at me for making her drive out there, but the light never came back on and when her parents came home we told them and there wasn't any cars out there, but where they must have been was a trail through the wooded area of their property where they would take atvs and stuff and there were car marks in the dirt... it was just really really weird.
I've had lots, I can't remember one....
But since I started secondary school, I would go yo sleep at night and dream a weird dream about the school, they have all came true so far...but I wouldn't call that paranormal
Ok serious response

Years ago my grandma on my step-dad's side passed away, and shortly after that I was alone in the dining room at night (like around 12am or so) and everyone else was asleep upstairs, and then out of nowhere my brother's drums in the basement started playing by themselves?
Like it wasn't just random crashing either it was straight up playing a song and I ran my little butt upstairs crying to my parents lmao.
im sure theres a logical explanation for this, but this happens all the time. im home alone rn and have been since i got out of school, my family wont be returning until like 10pm from my cousins house. i keep hearing what sounds like scratching right outside my door and walls. its not small scratches, it sounds like someone is literally clawing like ten layers of the wall off at a time. at first it started out on the other side of the room, stopped for like half an hour. then the scratches started again, but sounded like it came from the ceiling. long story short, it went on like that until i fell asleep with half hour intervals

its been like this for a few years, but it didnt start getting more frequent until now. my initial thought was just my sister was scratching at the walls bc she for some reason does that all the time..but 1.) she isnt even home. 2.) the scratches were way too loud to be coming from her