On What Did You Base on to Write Your Username?

"Anybody who comes into the forest will be lost. Everybody will become a Stalfos. Everybody, Stalfos."
Mine is a pattern of my first and last name. First letter of my first name (K), second letter of my last name (e), third letter of my first name(l), fourth letter of my last name(d), fifth letter of my first name(i). The name was originally for Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons(Imma pro at those games >^< lol)
Mine is basically an unusual synonym for shy or bashful, which is probably one of my most prominent personality traits.
Well, Landon is my first name, Crossing comes from Animal Crossing, that's it. It's very uncreative and I hate it, once I get enough tbt I'll change it.
I can't even remember how I came up with this username. I'm not really fond of it anymore, but I don't hate it enough to where I'm going for a username change.
I think my username started from changing my league ign lol
tried to match with my bf.. also naekoya means "mine" in Korean as well >u <)
Honestly, I was thinking about naming my mayor Primrose after the character in the Hunger Games. I wanted to go by the nickname Prim because it reminded of Marie from the Aristocats because she's so prim and lady like, which is the complete opposite of me. I have the sense of humor of a 12-yr-old boy.
So the prim part was supposed to represent my mayor and the improper part was supposed to represent my personality. I think I'll keep for a while because it sounds good. Plus, I can't think of anything better.
Well, I love Shrek, and I believe he loves me, too- very much!

I mean, what God wouldn't love his worshipers?
At the time I thought of joining my first forum I just used certain things I really liked at the time. I was always a fan of Yoshi, and I did like Itachi from the Akatsuki in the Naruto series. I just combined what I liked and became AkatsukiYoshi. I thought it was a cool username then and even now when I join multiple forums I would always choose this name.
lunatic + epic = lunatepic
It's just a silly thing I came up with when I was younger but idk I still like how it sounds
Honey has been my nickname for ages
Aura emanates off of golden honey~
It sounds SO weird but I think highly of honey xD

I wanted something shorter than my usual "HoneymoonRoyale" for the forums.
Well, I had username block, couldn't think of anything else, and I wanted a great username, so here I am
I have seen countless tumblr accounts that have "*name*crossing" as their username and not many on here so I decided to go ahead and shoot. Donnell is my last name and so voila! Donnellcrossing. Pretty basic and also I came up with it in less then 2 minutes.
My nickname is 'Mash' or 'Mashy'. So yeah, pretty straightforward.