New to New Leaf~


Beau is my boyfriend.
Nov 12, 2014
Hello everyone. My name is Rachel. I'm a bit late to the New Leaf party, but let me explain. It's not the most interesting story in the world but hey... it's my introduction. :blush:

I played AC:WW back in the day (middle school years) for HOURS on end. My sister played, my brother played, and my grandmother played. It was like a second life for us, except maybe my brother who wasn't quite old enough to really enjoy it yet. We even ended up getting a wifi usb stick so that we could visit other towns. It was infuriating to try to connect but I have great memories of being able to travel to other towns.
Middle school was a rough time for me, and I ended up losing my cartridge at some point. In 2007 (my 8th grade year) my grandmother passed and after a while I decided to take care of her town. At this point I wasn't really into the game anymore. I also never slept in the same bed for more than a few days at a time because we were passed between my mom's, my dad's, and my grandfather's houses so often. All of that led to me losing track of her game as well. So I stopped playing altogether and never really got back into it.
City Folk came and went... and when New Leaf was announced I was actually really excited for it. The problem then was money and I didn't have a 3DS. A bunch of my friends got it and played and I was always a little sad because I knew I'd be destroying their progress if I had it heh. So fast forward to today. For the first time in my life I have a job that has given me steady income for the past few months so a couple of weeks ago I picked up a used 3DS XL and grabbed some games. New Leaf included!

At first I wasn't very impressed because it felt like the same old Wild World... however, as I've progressed, I've started to love it! My town started with Beau and Nan which was really awesome, and I think I've figured out exactly how I want my town to be. I time travel like crazy, (started my town in May of 2013 so I could "catch up" to the current date and play normally at that point), and I've figured out cycling, plot resetting, etc. It's a really nice expansion to the old game and it feels great to finally play it. I even have an extra copy of the game for a second town, and I'm going to get my boyfriend a copy too and see if he'll play with me.

As for my reasoning for being on Bell Tree, I signed up for two big reasons. Making friends who actively play and trading/selling villagers.

Sorry about the wall of text. I've never really told anyone the whole story, and I guess this is still only a fraction of it... I just thought it might be a little interesting so there you have it.

If you want to know a little bit more about me, I'm 21 years old and I live in North Carolina in the US. I play League of Legends (Unranked season 2, Gold seasons 3 and 4; ADC/Support main.) I love reading although I never seem to make time for it, I'm a YouTuber on hiatus, and... I think that's about it. I haven't been on the internet much because of my job so I'm hoping this will draw me back to this life. Because I love it. I love my job too but I don't want my life to revolve around it anymore.

p.s. - My username is a reference to Sword Art Online.

What is it you like to read when time and motivation allows?

So you did 'lets plays' on YouTube? What games did you most enjoy doing playthroughs of? Or do you like to watch playthroughs?

Is NL every bit an improvement to WW, or has NL taken a step back in any way? Would someone already into NL find enjoyment with WW?
Yay! I love good introductions like this where we actually get to learn about the new members a little bit, rather than the "sup I'm new", posts I usually see. I'm happy to meet you and I hope you enjoy all of the villager trading it looks like you are planning to do here! We're all pretty friendly, so settle in ♥

What is it you like to read when time and motivation allows?

So you did 'lets plays' on YouTube? What games did you most enjoy doing playthroughs of? Or do you like to watch playthroughs?

Is NL every bit an improvement to WW, or has NL taken a step back in any way? Would someone already into NL find enjoyment with WW?


I love fantasy, like LotR. I just started the first book in the Got series. Haven't been into the show but the book is great so far! I also started Zealot but I read nonfiction very slowly.

My YouTube channel is actually pretty popular (100k+) and I do LPs. I just wasn't making enough money so I'm going to start vlogging instead heh. Less time away from my job. :) I want to do a NL LP but the set up to record is damn expensive and extensive.

Honestly I think if you start with NL then go to WW you'll find that you're taking a big step back. NL is pretty much just like it except with major improvements. Swimming, eye color, PWP, main street, etc. If you can get WW cheap I recommend playing it just to see how lucky we are to have NL now! :D

Thanks for all the questions!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yay! I love good introductions like this where we actually get to learn about the new members a little bit, rather than the "sup I'm new", posts I usually see. I'm happy to meet you and I hope you enjoy all of the villager trading it looks like you are planning to do here! We're all pretty friendly, so settle in ♥

Haha well I'm glad you appreciate it! :> I can type for ages... usually I end up having to cut myself off even when just talking to friends haha. It's nice to meet you as well and I'm glad to hear it's a friendly place around here! The Internet can be quite the hateful void at times.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hi welcone to the foruns

Thank you, much appreciated!
Thank you for the response!

So are the villager personalities pretty much the same as NL? I read about an older AC game having more 'developed' villager personalities. I wonder if they were talking about another AC game like City Folk.
Thank you for the response!

So are the villager personalities pretty much the same as NL? I read about an older AC game having more 'developed' villager personalities. I wonder if they were talking about another AC game like City Folk.

Hmmm as far as I can remember, the personalities are much more developed than they were in WW. There was a lot less dialogue. I never did play City Folk so perhaps that's the game where villagers started to seem individual rather than personality groups... which in my opinion is how it felt playing WW.
I'm having a fangasm over your username, welcome to the forums, fellow geek! Or whatever you wanna be called. XD I'm when I'm not overly awkward.