New Art Style! Adding to my shop soon!~


♡laziest plant mom♡
Nov 7, 2016
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
So I started to experiment on new art styles, and I found one I REALLY like! Check it out


I edited it a bit to make it look more sketch-like XP ( I'm also thinking about watermarking or putting my signature on the artwork I sell because I noticed I don't do it )

Should I add this style to my art shop? Or create a new one just for that art style? Not quite sure what to do

EDIT: I'm going to add this art style to my shop! But Can someone help me with the prices? I'm only offering line art for this style :3

I'm going to add this style to my shop for 100 TBT!! Look for it on October 15th!! Thank you for all the advice, compliments and opinions! <3
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Not giving opinion on style but just here to give advice to all shopkeepers of art here:
Art theft has happened to me(hence why my signiture is oddly placed on most drawings, to ensure it can't be cropped out) and it usually happens when the original artist DOES NOT include a signiture or their signiture is on the edge or easy to alter. If you do digital art, write your signiture in white, copy and paste it and make it black. Put the black under the white so it looks like a shadow. Play with layer types until it looks embedded into the drawing/looks like a watermark(usually overlay is best) and add it over your drawing, that way it becomes part of the drawing and is harder to simply color over. If you are doing traditional art, then the natural shadows and lighting will make it hard to go over your picture without it being obvious. Either way, put it very close to the subject(On my digital art, I have no specific spot, but on traditional art, I recently started putting it under one of the arms) so that it looks awkward if somebody crops it out or obvious if somebody claims it as their own.
Looks lit :cool: do it!

Also like Keldi said, make sure the watermark is in an area that art thieves can't crop it out
I'm going to add this art style to my shop! But Can someone help me with the prices? I'm only offering line art for this style :3