Need some advice


Senior Member
Jun 14, 2014
Winter Mittens
So recently, I lost my favorite villager and while cycling to get my villager back I lost any villagers I cared for and now most of my town is filled with villagers I don't know/like. Before all this my town was pretty and I loved my villagers. Now as I cycle to get these villagers out while I'm waiting to get my loved villagers back I feel a bit apart from my town, like I don't like it anymore. I have done a lot in the town (badges, house upgrade, emporium, paths, etc.) so I still like that part but idk what to feel about the whole town at the moment. I feel like since I have a second copy to just ring my villagers there, but part of me wants to continue living in my current town! I still do somewhat feel attached to it when I think about it with my loved villagers in it. And I can barely imagine going through upgrading my house and everything else again. So, I'm a bit lost. If you have any advice I appreciate it!
I understand losing a villager dear to you. I lost Marcie because she never pinged me. :c I think you should continue to play your file if you collected a lot of things and many badges. I think you just need to think of it as they went for a mini vacation. :p If all else fails through your cycling you can always try the villager trading forum! Maybe you can find a lost villager there. :)

Just remember to take it slow and easy while cycling and to take extra precautions when cycling. Take a break if it's getting too crazy, I'm sure they'll be there waiting for you. :)
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What about Pashmina? :p

I think you should have used a different cycling technique, to avoid losing dreamies. I can share the method I use to move out villagers, which is much safer than the usual ones of going two days at a time or relying on moving rumours. :)

I can't tell you whether to reset or not, that's your decision. What would you like better? Being able to move in those villagers from the beginning or having your town set up already? If you reset, you can always get someone to hold things and villagers for you, but the downside is that you need to unlock and build everything again. Unless you really hate your town the way it is and don't have the time to cycle, I wouldn't reset, but that's my personal opinion.