Natural/Rustic Campsites?


Senior Member
May 29, 2014
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
White Cosmos
Red Cosmos
White Pansy
White Lily
Purple Violet
White Violet
Hello! I want to make a natural/rustic themed campsite but I am in need of inspiration. Anyone have screenshots of their campsite with a similar theme?

Thanks :)
It's kind of what I am going for, but it's still a WIP as I build my amenities up and decide on which ones I want to display permanently. I don't have any pics, but feel free to check it out! Friend ID: 4692 5128 603 (If we're already friends I'm Kaydee on there)
I'm gonna bump this up because I want inspiration for natural/rustic campsites too :p Mine is like a modern natural campsite at the moment? I'm playing around with a lot of styles but you could check out mine if you want. My Friend ID is 4291 9731 540. I'll add you too Kaydee :)
ooh the rustic themed amenities are cute i'm trying to get a cute and rustic theme so i'd love to see some people's rustic campsites if someone has one
This is my basic theme! I tweak it every now and then. My PC FC 6804 7326 979 if anyone wants to check it out, otherwise I can see if I can grab some screenshots sometime.
I currently have a Natural/Rustic theme at my campsite if you'd like to take a look:

In-game name: KozZo
Friend ID: 8559-3859-557