My, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Review *VERY LONG!*


Ask About Dark Candy
Jul 12, 2010
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Today I did something I'm not proud of. I rented SWTFU 2 and played non-stop all day. Beat it. I didn't even do this because most people think a gamer would. Not because it was the most fun I'd ever had. Not because it is the best piece of Digital media I've ever seen. (Looking at you RDR and LBP 2!) There were two reasons. 1, I wanted to play through this game and really see if it was as bad as some reviewers had said it was. 2, I only have it rented from Blockbuster for 1 day. Anyways, this game isn't great, and it isn't bad. It's good. That's it. Good. If you're looking for the next great star wars game. You won't find it here. I played this game for the first time today excluding the demo. Frankly, most of my time was just spent trying understand the intense difficulty spikes the game will throw at you instead of getting harder gradually. Take this for example, I was about half way through the first act of the game and taking my marry time maiming and electrocuting Storm Troopers when all of a sudden I'm thrust onto a tram moving A BAZILLION miles an hour and I have to defend it from a Tie-Fighters and a Warship that has guns and missiles. I mean, a little challenge is okay but this is just, STUPID! Onto my next point, quick time events, tons of them, everywhere. I swear to god everything was a quick time event. I bet that if Starkiller (or Galen Malak) were to make a sandwhich, it would have a quick time event as well! Now onto the story. It was... okay. The entire time the clone of Starkiller is going around trying to find Juno Eclipse, the love interest from the last game. All the while his best bud Rahm Kota, or Koda, I don't know, lets just call him Captain Squiggles shall we? Is going around trying to convince Starkiller that he IS the real Starkiller,saying that cloning of jedi is impossible, and that he needs to stop chasing some space-chick around the galaxy and help in the war. Being as selfish as a 9 year old girl whos being asked if somebody can use her barbies, Starkiller rudley declines Captain Squiggles' offers. After going through about a 1 hour boss fight with Darth Vader, I was given a choice , Dark side or Light side. A friend told me that the DARK SIDE ending actually made sense with the cannon, I chose it. SO in 1 quick second you're dead Juno is dead, and so is Captain Squiggles. You were all killed by a Dark Side clone, or the real Starkiller, I don't know. Darth Vader then tells him to hunt down the rest of the rebels and we're back to square one... OF THE FIRST GAME! So it's come full circle. THE END!

With some tidius gameplay, a meh story, and odd difficulty spikes, I'd have to give this game a...
Nice review, I have a few things I'd like to mention.
Yes, it's a fair review as it's your opinion. You did say there would be spoilers, so yay for that.

You stuck with the story more than anything, but I wouldn't of said no to hearing how the game looks, sounds. How it plays. These are the sort of things I'd look for when reading a review.
Another big thing, is paragraphs. It'd be nice, if things were broken up a bit so it's easier on the eye and just easier to read.

Still, solid review. Keep it up.
Okay thanks for the cc, I'll look out for those things next time I make a review.