Looking to replace a villager, which cranky should I choose?

Which cranky?

  • Grizzly

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • Croque

    Votes: 10 20.4%
  • Chief

    Votes: 19 38.8%
  • Bruce

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • Other (post your option!)

    Votes: 10 20.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Perfect peaches
May 10, 2014
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Winter Mittens
Pear (Fruit)
I want to replace my starting cranky villager, Rizzo, with another cranky villager that more or less follows my secondary town's theme, autumn, but I don't know which cranky to pick. Which one would you choose? If you have another option, you may feel free to tell me :)
No question, the greatest cranky of ALL time, Grizzly :)
I think Chief would be perfect for an autumn theme, he has nice orange and white colours and is just looking like a fox c:
Grizzly and Chief are also good choices but I picked Croque. His house interior is very autumn and his appearance fits the theme. I also think he's cute ehe.
Tbh, I'm one of few that absolutely loves Croque. He was a random in my first town, but I grew to love him. I love his house and color scheme. Both fit in super well with Autumnal colors!
I think Chief would fit your theme well, especially as your theme is autumn and his house exterior is made up of oranges and yellows c: Making him perfect for your theme!
I have to echo the others who are saying Croque. His interior design goes with the Autumn theme.

I also like Bruce and Grizzly, but their houses don't have anything particularly autumnal about them.
no i'm kidding i swear i did read your post

Honestly, I always suggest Tom, he's so cute >.>
I voted Bruce but thought for some reason it said Butch XD, Anyway I would go with Butch if it were me... Grizzly from this poll though!
crouqe. i had him before and i really liked his white face. now i regret letting him go.
I voted for Chief because he's my favorite of the choices and I really like him. But I would also to suggest Rolf, Static or Apollo. They are great cranky villagers too! :blush:
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I voted for Chief because he's my favorite of the choices and I really like him. But I would also to suggest Rolf, Static or Apollo. They are great cranky villagers too! :blush:

Seconding all these choices! There are so many great crankies. I would also add in Cyrano the cranky anteater.
I have Chief in my town and he's great; the outside of his house matches your autumn theme too.
Well, out of these, I like Bruce the best, but I think who be a really good idea for a cranky is Rooney. He looks awesome! <3