Little Things in NL That Makes You So Happy

i love when you sit next to them on a bench and they smile and just look so happy that you?re there with them c?:
The fact that you can see footprints you leave behind in the snow or mud. If you are wearing shoes it looks like a shoe print. When you are barefoot then it looks like a footprint. And different villager species leave proper footprints (if I'm remembering that right).
I like when villagers interact with each other and you're able to eavesdrop in their conversation and sometimes give your own opinions on whatever it is they're arguing about. The best exchanges between animals usually happen between jock and snooty; peppy and lazy; or cranky and peppy. I like the reactions they have at each other's absurdities. :>

I like when you're shaking trees next to another villager and a beehive drops down - for a second, you get to see their shocked expression, and if you talk to them while the bees chase you, they'll say something like "you've done it now!" "Run!!"

I like how animals wave back when you wave at them, it's cute.

Those are some of the smaller stuff I enjoy from New Leaf that come to mind.
When I went to my museum over a week ago, I noticed small details that made me smile.

I'll list a couple in the fish exhibit. If you walk near the spotted garden eel, they'll hide and only pop back out when you walk away. Their description mentions this saying that they'll hide at a slightest hint of danger! The second one is how the piranha chases after you and taps against the glass tank.

In the bug exhibit, you have the obvious where the mosquito will bite you but not disappear. Another small detail I noticed were the dragonflys near the beginning of the exhibit (the spot with the small pond). Initially, they would settle on the fence. If you were to run up to them, they'll start flying around! Third, the tiger beetle won't jump around unless you try to walk over them.

I think the museum is underappreciated. I can't imagine what it's like in New Horizons.