Shop ❀Kawano's Storage Clean-Out (EVERYTHING FREE)❀

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Player Name: Alpaca
Town Name: Trash
FC: Side bar
Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery is fine, thanks!
Item(s) you'd like: Jacob's pic, Graham's pic and T-Bone's pic
Have you read my rules?: Yeah!
Player Name: Alpaca
Town Name: Trash
FC: Side bar
Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery is fine, thanks!
Item(s) you'd like: Jacob's pic, Graham's pic and T-Bone's pic
Have you read my rules?: Yeah!

Accepted! Will VM when ready <3
Player Name Kitty:
Town Name: Teacup
FC: Sidebar
Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery is fine
Item(s) you'd like: Birthday Shades please if you still have them!
Have you read my rules?: Yes!
Player Name Kitty:
Town Name: Teacup
FC: Sidebar
Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery is fine
Item(s) you'd like: Birthday Shades please if you still have them!
Have you read my rules?: Yes!

Accepted! Yes, I still have them :) Will VM when ready!
Mayor: Maxie
Town: wolf st.
FC: in signature!
Delivery is fine if you prefer it! Just bum when you're ready!
Items: hibiscus hairpin, birthday glasses
Rules: you got it!
Mayor: Maxie
Town: wolf st.
FC: in signature!
Delivery is fine if you prefer it! Just bum when you're ready!
Items: hibiscus hairpin, birthday glasses
Rules: you got it!

Accepted! But the birthday shades have already been taken by the person before you, sorry! I can still get you the hibiscus hairpin though :)
Player Name: Chip
Town Name: Teacup
FC: 3926-8696-5374
Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery
Item(s) you'd like: flashy hairpin, cyan balloon, ball return, exotic bed
Have you read my rules?: Yes
Player Name:Sany
Town Name:Sakura
FC: Below in my signature
Pickup orDelivery?: Delivery
Item(s) you'd like: Phonograph, soda case, milk case, popcorn machine.
Have you read my rules?: yes

Thank you =)
Player Name: Ben
Town Name: Varrock
FC: 5343-9937-3745
Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery
Item(s) you'd like: Wash station, baby panda, stache & glasses, and effects rack.
Have you read my rules?: Yes

Player Name:Sany
Town Name:Sakura
FC: Below in my signature
Pickup orDelivery?: Delivery
Item(s) you'd like: Phonograph, soda case, milk case, popcorn machine.
Have you read my rules?: yes

Thank you =)

Accepted! I will VM you when ready!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Player Name: Ben
Town Name: Varrock
FC: 5343-9937-3745
Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery
Item(s) you'd like: Wash station, baby panda, stache & glasses, and effects rack.
Have you read my rules?: Yes


Accepted! Will VM when it's ready!
Player Name: Mary
Town Name: Pinkleaf
FC: 4270-3402-6813
Pickup or Delivery?: I can do delivery!
Item(s) you'd like: Silver fishing rod and net
Have you read my rules?: Yes!
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