Just started game, looking for friends


Junior Member
Feb 14, 2016
0% (0) +
Hey, I'm completely new to the Animal Crossing game and wanted to see what all the hype was about - I'm loving it! I am currently on day 4, and I'm looking for some friends to play the game with.

Friend Code: 2509 - 5331 - 0569

See you guys in game!
you may add me too!

im on day 15 (i think)
only played AC on GC (first game)
but its so much more versatile now.. im a newbie again :p
You can add me :D Let me know if anyone wants to come to my town to shop or go to the island together, I have all the stores
Hi! I'm always up for more friends. I also want to dupe with someone, so let me know if you're interested!
Osvaldo sure, I'll add you too. Also, Olli I'm pretty sure discussion of duping is not allowed so please be careful
Alright, I've added Osvaldo, Deligrace, Olli, and domjbm. Unfortunately I can't have you all over at once, so it'll have to be first come, first serve ^^;

I figured we could go shopping in main street, explore main street, go to the cafe or to explore my house if you want, and then go play on the island together.

My only rule really when it comes to visiting is to please not run on flowers or take any. And also to stay relatively closeby, I have anxiety and it helps if everyone's close together. If you want to talk to villagers, go right ahead. Basically, just be respectful of my town :^)

I'm opening my gates now. I'll see you all in a few minutes
Ok, I'll try that. You haven't added me though Cucco. Maybe you made a mistakr with the FC input?