Its a art form


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2010
Well nice law. Now a 12,13,14 year old etc can strip in a strip club because now in Iowa it is a ;) art form ;) so whats your option i think its wrong ******** what about you?
I think, you should correct your spelling and grammar if you want anyone to take your topics seriously.
I'm guessing you just heard this on The O'Reilly Factor? I just heard it from my room, too. Grandparents watching it. -_-;

And, yeah, it is pretty wrong. =p It may be an art form, but it's an adult art form. XD
Iowa = Small country life state

I think they did it because nobody would expect it in Iowa, it's like the most unknown state....
Rorato said:
Iowa = Small country life state

I think they did it because nobody would expect it in Iowa, it's like the most unknown state....
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>COUNTRY?</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"><object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width="250" height="250" data=''>
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That's disgusting.
We need to admire the body like our intelligent and powerful ancestors the Greeks.

The body is wonderful!
Soul said:
We need to admire the body like our intelligent and powerful ancestors the Greeks.

The body is wonderful!
The Greek Tutors also messed around with their students.

Students being young boys might I add.
If society today wasn't so perverted and sex orientated then we could appreciate this wonderful piece of art.

Art is eternally beautiful !