It should not take so long for people to arrive on your island


Jul 14, 2019
I can understand Nintendo wanting to put the charm of seeing someones island before you arrive there and their characters waving at you while you are in the airplane but it makes the process longer and it is really not needed..

In previous games it took under 15 seconds for someone to arrive into your town but in this game sometimes it can take up to a minute or longer.
tbh i dont think that the loading screen or anything is causing it to take so long for people to join ur island. i think that online play hasn't ever rly been nintendo's best feature. just look at pokemon swsh and how terrible it is, but i dont know if that's game freak's fault or something else.
To be honest I actually kind of like it. It adds to the pageantry of visiting someone's island, and makes it feel special! I can get how it can be annoying if you're doing loads of trades though, but I don't think Nintendo envisioned or even really wanted people trading like 20 times a day.
I can understand Nintendo wanting to put the charm of seeing someones island before you arrive there and their characters waving at you while you are in the airplane but it makes the process longer and it is really not needed..

In previous games it took under 15 seconds for someone to arrive into your town but in this game sometimes it can take up to a minute or longer.
Yeah, while I do think it does add charm to the game, overall I do not think it was necessary for it. Add this to the long repetitive dialogue from orville, then it gets tiring after hosting many times.
To be honest I actually kind of like it. It adds to the pageantry of visiting someone's island, and makes it feel special! I can get how it can be annoying if you're doing loads of trades though, but I don't think Nintendo envisioned or even really wanted people trading like 20 times a day.
Yep, I hate it when there's too many people but on a one-on-one basis, I definitely enjoy seeing that small bit of someone's island, especially since we don't often get to see much of it at all with how quick trading goes.
It's nice to see a snippit of someone's island for fun but I agree. There's so many parts of this game that are dragged out much longer than is necessary.
I absolutely hate the whole cutscene thingy you have to go through. Once I was at someone's island browsing DIYS and they made the mistake of just letting unlimited people in. It took me 6 minutes to get to the airport because people kept pouring in
That was good patience on your part for waiting through it because some people in that situation will just close their game.. and if someone does that while it is loading a visitor onto the island the whole session gets disconnected
I absolutely hate the whole cutscene thingy you have to go through. Once I was at someone's island browsing DIYS and they made the mistake of just letting unlimited people in. It took me 6 minutes to get to the airport because people kept pouring in

This happened to me once and it was infuriating!

I think it was a Celeste / shooting stars visit, and as soon as I stepped out of the airport I got stopped in my tracks by the next visitor, then again after edging another's two steps towards Celeste, then again...and again..and again...

After about ten minutes of this, it got to the point where I was considering turning off our router to try and escape from this hell! I couldn't bring myself to do that to the host though, so I gave up on seeing Celeste and started edging my way back towards the!
It takes forever. How many times do I have to see "Wuh-Oh" before I can come? There has to be a better way.
I would much rather have an option to back out of something if I click the wrong thing. Can't even tell you how many times I entered the wrong code (due to joycon drift) and instead of letting me change it you can only back out completely to go through it all over again.
Yeah, while I do think it does add charm to the game, overall I do not think it was necessary for it. Add this to the long repetitive dialogue from orville, then it gets tiring after hosting many times.
"If we do that, you may end up letting people in that you don't know. Are you okay with that?"

Given that you warn me that every. Single. Time. Yes Orville, let me open my gates!!
That was good patience on your part for waiting through it because some people in that situation will just close their game.. and if someone does that while it is loading a visitor onto the island the whole session gets disconnected
Yeah as annoying as it was I could never do that. I don't blame the host at all because they clearly didn't know how much of an overwhelming response they would get.
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"If we do that, you may end up letting people in that you don't know. Are you okay with that?"

Given that you warn me that every. Single. Time. Yes Orville, let me open my gates!!
He literally acts like this gives random people the ability to fly to your island without any code. It's INFURIATING
"If we do that, you may end up letting people in that you don't know. Are you okay with that?"

Given that you warn me that every. Single. Time. Yes Orville, let me open my gates!!
IKR! I don't even know why they have to keep repeating that line. Drives me nuts! Because of this I mash B to speed up the dialogue, but sometimes I cancel the thing I wanted to do and I have to start all over again.
I think everybody will agree with our complains. When you have to welcome a lot of people daily, it's annoying. For you and for others.
The fly over is cool in my opinion. I just don't like having to deal with the blue screen inside. I don't know what it's called. Is it necessary? I don't know. I'd expect that kind of load time on the 3DS.
i kind of agree? i personally enjoy seeing little snippets of people’s islands but it’s definitely a hassle if it’s a trade that involves more than the host and one visitor ;u;