I'm back and resettingn!!


Junior Member
Mar 30, 2015
Hello! I used to have an account here (Poptart or Poptarter) but I'm resetting my town so I figured I'd start new!

I used to have a candy themed town but I always get bored of themes so I guess I'm just going to try to enjoy the game without focusing so much on getting specific villagers. My new mayor will be called Moon and I dont have a town name yet so feel free to give me suggestions!

Nice to meet you!
Hey! Some cute name suggestions are Nebula, Eclipse, or anything with star, luna or nova in the name.
I named my town Amaranth, which is a redish shade of pink,
I think it's pretty cool naming towns after shades of colours because usually they're not too long and they sound pretty interesting.
Other names for your town could be Chiffon, Rosewood, Alizarin, Amber, Amethyst, Azure, Cerulean, Ube, Cobalt.
you can try to name it after "moon" in different languages.

so it would be moon.. from moon.

moon moon ;)
Welcome back haha
I reckon Nebula, Moon from Nebula sounds pretty awesome!