I hate the frequency that PWP get suggested


Recipeh Maker
Apr 27, 2018
Arcade Tokens
Even though I have had PWPs suggested, and used the various 'tricks' to encourage villagers to suggest them (FYI They don't really work), the frequency of their suggestions makes me want to pull my hair out XD. Any one else fed up with this?
Definitely. It’s like the game knows and is deliberately messing with you.
That is the most frustrating part of the game imo. However, it does give me a lot of excitement when I get a suggestion for a PWP I really want :)
I've never had any problems with this trick?? it works great for me lol
sometimes they just keep suggesting PWP to me without me even trying, id be running around doing my thing & they ping me & surprisingly it's a PWP lmfao
maybe I'm just too lucky
Argh same! The tricks rarely work! I suppose it’s to drag the game out a bit and make it longer but it’s so disheartening when you’re no longer making much progress in your town because of the lack of PWP suggestions :(
Getting PWPs through time travel and a little bit of commitment is hard enough, let alone waiting for them to suggested normally. I found waiting a hassle and often I kind of gave up lol, but it did make it extra exciting when I got one I really wanted like the illuminated heart.
i can barely get PWP smh and when i do, rarely that is, its for a trash can. thanks, molly
This PWP request system is so broken - it should happen randomly... and if it has been X days someone should request on a day after it has been x months.

“Just leave it to randomness!” They said. It’s fine! It has replay ability!

It’s so sad - I have amazing ideas in certain towns but I can do nothing because the “varmits” never request what I want!

Uh. A YEAR of playing a town with over 500 days and 500 hours and 2 peppies and still haven’t gotten the PWP.

I do love the thrill of the ping. It’s a total rush when you know they’re about to request any PWP!
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Same, I actually feel like part of the reason I took a hiatus was from getting bored of trying to get PWP suggestions.
The only trick I have actually used that worked is the diving trick although you can only occasionally get a pep suggestion cause it just makes them ping. So annoying how even when you do get a pwp suggestion you can't get another for like a week ugh
The trick always worked for me. So much so that I got all of the PWPs. I guess it was just luck, though.