'I got here, you can too!' A Guide [56k]

this is kol, but, here is some turnip advice:

if a friend has a town that is buying for a lot of money, go and sell there.

if a friend has a town that is selling for a little, ask him to buy a bunch for u, and then pay him back what he spent, plus a tip.
Get a table and place a tool such as a rod/net in front of you. Then, place a turnip on the table above where the tool is.

Basically, you buy for less, wait for a day when Nook is buying for a lot, then sell to make millions.
I'm with fish, I don't need it. And I find a calculator unnecessary.


Oh, and you'll need to get 2 or 3 days into the game before you can get a Golden Shovel.

I have 1 milllion bells in my bank from Turnips... but i still have to pay some of my loan off >_< so... i have about 500,000 left on this loan, i think the next one is around 800,000 and the last one around 1,000,000.... >_<